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small dogs on foxes

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john rambo you my friend are the tit head your one of these guys that think because your mutt is blackwater that it is something special it may be i havent seen it work but for your little mind

"A dog doesn't need a lot of skill to run a fox like it does a hare pre ban"   That comment alone RFYL makes me think you haven't done as much as you claim.   FTB

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Any breed will take fpx no matter how big or small

i once met an old keeper who had a small lab take the odd fox

so he said

the dog did have a few badges on him so i never doubted him

i personally used to have a 23inch sal/grey/whippet who took fox for fun though at first she ran beside them until she was nearly two before she took her first one

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once owned a little 1/2 grey/whippet 20 tts and a 25tts 3/4 grey 1/4 collie and it was the little bitch who would take charlie single handed...........yet the big dog didn't want to know.If the dogs got the minerals it dosent matter what height it stands in my oponion :thumbs:

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height is only one factor build is another why rush. Have a bitch here over twenty five thirteen months and she wont see a fox til early next season what is the rush is there no rabbits or hares this season to hunt and perfect the skills of running and catching.


i agrey

im not going to rush im only after rabs and long ears goner wait to next season when my dogs 22months

shes 11months 22tts and just starting on the lamp fingers crossed for a good season :thumbs:

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Hares!!! :whistling::whistling::whistling: .. and skills. :whistling: A dog doesnt need to have a lot of skill to run afox like it does a hare(preban)..


I have 2 dogs just under 23" mate..(both do single handed, one did it at just under 12mths, the other was over 2yrs, no bull in them) If i were you i would double your dog up with a seasoned fox hunter..Let it see and learn the ropes. Thats if it wants to, as if it doesnt there is nothing you can do... The reason people hold them back is for them to mature become of age, because once they've jacked pal, there not a lot you can do..A young dog getting a face full of fox alone, can be quite off putting...


thanks for

some good advice

atb lee

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right there skinny if only there was more like ya self ther would be far less failures on the heavier stuff 19 ths my last young dog was entered flying now and this dog was bred specifically for the jobsingle handed all the way the only way

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"A dog doesn't need a lot of skill to run a fox like it does a hare pre ban"


That comment alone RFYL makes me think you haven't done as much as you claim.



have to agree with ftb,before the ban a dog that was used for regular fox control (not just the odd 1 here and there)that had a high catch rate requires a dog with running skills and a lot more.

dont under estimate old reynard ;)

Edited by snap
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a dog can never be the worse off for being held back on foxes no matter what size or breed. There are alot of lads about now that under estimate the benefits of hunting rabbits and hares to the development of a good healthy running style. Plenty of time then to look for a fox. I never double up for fox on its own or not at all. this is how i have done every lurcher i have ever owned and it works for me.

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a dog can never be the worse off for being held back on foxes no matter what size or breed. There are alot of lads about now that under estimate the benefits of hunting rabbits and hares to the development of a good healthy running style. Plenty of time then to look for a fox. I never double up for fox on its own or not at all. this is how i have done every lurcher i have ever owned and it works for me.

well said skinny :thumbs:

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a dog can never be the worse off for being held back on foxes no matter what size or breed. There are alot of lads about now that under estimate the benefits of hunting rabbits and hares to the development of a good healthy running style. Plenty of time then to look for a fox. I never double up for fox on its own or not at all. this is how i have done every lurcher i have ever owned and it works for me.



I totally agree skinny... Like i said, one of my dogs was 2yrs old beforei even let her to fox....

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"A dog doesn't need a lot of skill to run a fox like it does a hare pre ban"


That comment alone RFYL makes me think you haven't done as much as you claim.





lol, why what have i claimed to have done mate? Never once have i said any number to foxes caught. Theres myself my mate and diary that know that..


And i think the comment as far as i am concerned is correct...Both my dogs caught their 1st ever ran fox, they didnt catch there 1st hare... They probarbly get 2 in 3 charlies that get up once bushed out of the ruff.... If they were doing this every day on hare, they would considered a shit hot hare dog... So your point is FTB?



plus you see quite a few more fox running shitty and look pissed up with a dog behind them, than you do a hare...



In fact, when i think on... You did that digging post, then that guy came along, and told you you didnt know what you were talking about, as you got all your depths wrong and didnt know how to read your finder... Everyone thought what an arsehole that fella was, and all backed you up, as you "had your own way, and means of reading your finder and doing things" You have just totally contradicted yourself mate, by doing exactly what he did to you... Dont think that i am in anyway bothered what you think, or wether you doubt i have done what "i claim to have done on fox" which there hasnt been a claim... They were my views pal... A hare is harder to run and course than a charlie, am i aloud to have that view... I see many run, and this is the conclusion i have drawn up...

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