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Buck Fever

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you mean when your'e heart races? you shake? sweat? yes bud very common,you have to learn to deal with it( switch off/on) and i get it when i have fired the shot and see the deer down :toast:

an old guy once said to me "when that stops.stop shooting because then its just for the sake of it"!


concentrate on the shot and not what you are shooting AT.


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yes i had it when i shot my first buck in november, i was fine watching the deer in the distance but as soon as i saw one pop out 60yards away that was it, even the keeper i went with says he still gets it and he's shot loads,

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cheers lads,and yes monynut i also get it after the shot is taken and the deer drops,i have shot a few and yet still get this

I have shot 100's and still like to feel the rush after the shot was taken especially if after a good stalk, it can be just as common with does.

The funny thing is most missed shots I encounter tend to be with bucks and the bigger the buck the more chance of a miss.

I often film the action and even with no gun feel the tremble its what stalking is all about.

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yes,i shot a bronze medal roe buck last july in the kintyre area and didnt even get it , i took the shot and i was fine. But a young 6 pointer roe buck that i shot , i got it terrible . my leg didnt stop shaking but eventually it stopped, i took the shot and killed the buck stone dead.but i only get it with roe

Edited by mooney1
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wanted to know whether buck fever is a common thing with begginer stalkers or a rare thing?


I always understood that the term 'Buck Fever' was used as a reason why a shooter missed or was unable to take the shot - in other words was unable to control his body movements at the point of taking the shot.


I believe just about all of us start to have out hearts rushing and find our hands shake a little as a result of the physical relief after containing it to take the shot, but I would not call that buck fever but simply relief.


Well......that's how I interpret it.

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cheers lads,and yes monynut i also get it after the shot is taken and the deer drops,i have shot a few and yet still get this

I have shot 100's and still like to feel the rush after the shot was taken especially if after a good stalk, it can be just as common with does.

The funny thing is most missed shots I encounter tend to be with bucks and the bigger the buck the more chance of a miss.

I often film the action and even with no gun feel the tremble its what stalking is all about.


where abouts in yorkshire are you based?

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buck fever is the jitters while redying to take the shot( if not controlled often causing people to miss). with a little experiance you can steady yourself, untill the shot is out and deer down then it gets you.

some get it really bad,some don't.

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i havent read all fo the other comments but let me tell you this:


if none if us got buck fever we would never have got hooked on deer stalking! its the first deer you shoot and the rush you get that has you hooked for life! :victory:


it does calm with age and the more deer you shoot the less you should get it. and you will start to to take a more controlled / professional approach.


if you stalk rarely then it is unlikely it will calm down.

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