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Arse.P.C.A have been knocking!!!!

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dont tell em to feck off or anything similar.


INVITE them to look at yor dog and its living arrangements, offer them a brew, say please and thank-you.


from what you have said there will be no problem and they will leave very satisfied and wont bother you again.


your gripe isn't with them its with whoever reported you, and to be quite honest are they worth it ????


all the best



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dont tell em to feck off or anything similar.


INVITE them to look at yor dog and its living arrangements, offer them a brew, say please and thank-you.


from what you have said there will be no problem and they will leave very satisfied and wont bother you again.


your gripe isn't with them its with whoever reported you, and to be quite honest are they worth it ????


all the best



thats the way i did it they have to deal with complaints simple as - show em thrs not a problem and thr wont be thumbs.gif
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Know and understand what the "let them in and show them youve nothing to hide" lads are saying,but surely if you havent got anything to hide they cant do anything anyway?

Personally i would politely tell them "you arent the police and have no powers,if you want to see my dogs/kennels get a police warrant"


If they do get a warrant the RSPCA inspectors name has to be on the warrant,or he cant legally enter any of your property look at your dogs/kennels fact.


I had a visit and complied with his request to show him the dogs,pre ban,a few weeks later i was out hunting with one bitch in the kennels at home,got home and the bitch was gone for good,coincidence maybe but i doubt it.

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Show them the dog to show he's in good order,then stop being so c*nt struck and spend some more time with him.Once or twice a day visits ain't really enough for a champion lamper ;)



Is that what it is, or is it more the point that i'm working days and nights to pay bills, and have enough money to live after telling her to leave???? besides if i was only working one job and was at home more, i still wouldn't be sitting in his kennel keeping him company after his needs had been met........ :thumbs:

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You have nothing to worry about mate, i've seen how you keep and treat your dogs so i wouldnt worry about it too much.

Being polite but firm is the best way forward,it worked for me anyway.

Youve got nothing to hide so let them in and have a chat and a cuppa,they wont bother coming back. :victory:

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Show them the dog to show he's in good order,then stop being so c*nt struck and spend some more time with him.Once or twice a day visits ain't really enough for a champion lamper ;)



Is that what it is, or is it more the point that i'm working days and nights to pay bills, and have enough money to live after telling her to leave???? besides if i was only working one job and was at home more, i still wouldn't be sitting in his kennel keeping him company after his needs had been met........ :thumbs:


Bit out of order really on what fireman said. Can be hard when you have to work every hour god sends to look after yourself let alone the dog. Maybe its your ex maybe not, best thing to do is let them in and let them look at him, aslong as hes well looked after water, food a place to sleep thats dry if an outside dog then no problem.


Just a pointer for everyone -RSPCA have a job to do just like me and you, and yes they can be bast£"SD at time's but think about all the other animals they have saved from bad people that are ill treated, and they are just doing a job.

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Well 4 phonecalls later and all day yesterday and now today, these f*****g incompetent pricks still cant manage a phonecall to inform me whats going on!!!!!


Couldn't of been that important mate, your probably back at the bottom of their list and forgotton about.


You have done your bit, calling them and being concerned yourself. How many actually chase the RSPCA following a complaint? Most RUN and HIDE..........


Well said leedavis.



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Well speak of the devils and they finally ring!!!! The upshot is they've seen both times they've seen he's got fresh food and water, and that obviously i am present at the property and the dog is fine, so the call has been logged as a malicious call and no visit is required!!!!!!

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Well speak of the devils and they finally ring!!!! The upshot is they've seen both times they've seen he's got fresh food and water, and that obviously i am present at the property and the dog is fine, so the call has been logged as a malicious call and no visit is required!!!!!!

like i said they have to follow up every call c++ts they might be but sometimes they get it right . could of been some reason you could`nt get thr dog could have been starvin to death ..imo if your keeping your dogs right and working within the law you should`nt have a problem with any fecker ..
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Was just having a laugh with the c*nt stuck and the lamping champ bit,ffs :doh:.But lee if you can't look after a dog you shouldn't have one mate and thats no reflection on anyone else just with what you've said :thumbs: .



I agree no one should have a dog if you cannot look after it, really goes for any animal. but the guy has posted a photo of the dog in question and other memebers has seen how and commented how he looks after his dogs dont think it was fair to call him a cu*t bet you dont even know him, i dont. But hey ho water under the bridge now. The RSPCA have done there bit and hes done his.

Edited by leedavis
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