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puppy house training

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my pup is coming on brill she really showing signs of becoming a good dog but she not house training to well i have tryed putting every half hour and i have tryed puppy pads what else can i try and dont say kennel her its not an option

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How old she is for starters might be a good start ...huge difference between 7 weeks and 7 months ,,, some dogs take longer to be house trained than others ..just don't make a big issue of it with the pup ...also with the weather changing at this time of year if its still young it can be reluctant to go outside if its cooler

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my pup is coming on brill she really showing signs of becoming a good dog but she not house training to well i have tryed putting every half hour and i have tryed puppy pads what else can i try and dont say kennel her its not an option

Hidso88AT13 weeks i take it the pup i s sleeping a lot.Every time it wake up take it out.This is when it is most litely needing to pee or shit. if you see it sniffing about same rule and when it dose the biss give it a got pet and make a fuss of it.Catcher :thumbs:

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Pups mostly pee and poo 1-5 minutes right after sleeping, eating and playing. If you take care that in those times you take the pup out and say "good boy" when peeing outside - it will soon understand what the point is.

Never blame them for urinating inside the flat by pushing their nose into it! They just don't get what the point is!

And never punish them minutes after the thing is done - they can connect the act and the corollyary (here: punishment) only for about half a minute!







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my pup is coming on brill she really showing signs of becoming a good dog but she not house training to well i have tryed putting every half hour and i have tryed puppy pads what else can i try and dont say kennel her its not an option


Are you just putting her out or going outside with her? It's most effective to go outside with the pup and say the words you want to use to encourage her to go, I use "be clever", then give her lots of praise when she does what she needs to do, then back inside.

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Ok....Housetraining. remember a puppy is just like an infant, they dont really have That much control when they are young. But, that said, i would think that everytime the dog wakes from a sleep or after it is fed then place it ouside to empty. Now, personally, i think grass helps, but i could well be wrong. Its a boring job stood outside waiting for them to go, but once they have gone they can come back in. I think that you should try and get them to associate them with a word as they do something, or as you see them looking for "a spot". This will only help matters in the future. If you are fortunate then the pup may realise that the sooner they go to the toilet the sooner they can come back in the house.

House training is all about routine and behaviour.......Good luck...JD

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13 weeks is still a baby & others have already mentioned to let pup wake up then take it outside. Same with play time, they normally need toilet.


Mine all knw 'toilet' it took my 4 weeks to get one rescue dog clean overnight in house, the semi feral dog I have took ages but now will come & nudge me to go out.


Dont worry- it will just click what you want & in another week or so you wont even remember worrying about it

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