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My new err . . . . . 'Toy'

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On the 30 July this year, I got me a new toy! WOOHOOO!! :cheers: The following few snaps of it are pre-renovation (of which I have undertaken the very bare minimum - so as to preserve the character and originality of it) :thumbs:



A side on view of it




A view from the working end towards the front.




It is a 1942 No4 Mk1 SMLE - and so is a bolt action, and has (I am informed) seen active service in the theatre of WWII. It has now been converted to enable it to fire .410 carts, from 2 inch upto, and including 3 inch magnums. It now has a smoothbore, and will have a magazine added to it very soon as well.


Myself and the lad have both had a test fire of it prior to me buying it, and it performs very well I think. This will make it a bit easier for me at my crem shoot being as I feel the 12bore AyA is a bit too loud there - even though they have given me the blessing to use the AyA there. This .410 does seem to fire remarkably a lot quieter than most of those I have had a go with in the past - though I am not sure if this fact is to do with the length of the barrel, or whatever else? . There is hardly any kick back to speak of - mind you, we only fired a few shells each at the RFD's, and so I am now waiting for a chance to get it up the crem and see how we go. :thumbs:




With regards to the woodwork:


So far, I have finished applying and rubbing in six coats of Danish Oil on the forestock, and the butt stock - this has now dried to the level of finish I wanted it to have. :yes:


The brass butt pad has had a bit of hand finishing and polishing - looking good now! :thumbs:




With regards to the action and internals:


I have given the trigger block and bolt/bolt-head assemblies a good thorough cleaning/degreasing, and re-oiling, and all is working like a dream - it is as smooth as a Cashmere cod-piece now!!. :laugh:


Last Friday, I submitted the barrel/action/trigger assembly into an engineering plant to have it shot-blasted/bead blasted (or whatever term you use for it ) but NOT sandblasted - I could not bear the thought of that! :blink:


This was in preparation of having it blued over just to give it a nice and clean, looked after and loved image - just what is needed by something of such historical interest, I reckon. :yes:


I picked it up at lunchtime that day - when it returned home where it belongs. :yes: All as then ready for me to marry it all up again, take a few picks of it, and hopefully you can see the difference between the "before" shots, and the "after" shots.


Ok, here are some post-renovation pictures of the .410 - I hope you find them of interest! :thumbs: When I got her back, I immediately checked things over, and all that went wrong is that during the blasting process, the spring from the extractor head of the bolt had sprung out somewhere! But no worries there - i have a complete set on order and am awaiting the delivery now, so I can fit it on there A.S.A.P. :)



A shot from the rear right side looking sort of forwards . . . . the pics were taken while having a cartridge in the breech for aesthetics :thumbs:





Next, a shot of the breech and bolt . . . . .





Another shot slightly closer than above, of the bolt area . . . .



And finally, One for the benefit of seeing how well the blasting has bought out the proof marks on the barrel knox surface ;) . . . .



I undertook to try doing the blueing myself, being as I have done a LOT of research into the matter before now. This was my very first attempt at the blueing of any type of firearm metal :blink: , and I for one, feel it has worked out quite well really - I was most pleasantly surprised by how it came out in the end? :thumbs:


Now she is all back together, and both the timber and metal have been sorted out, this is as far as I will venture to go with her, in regards to any rejuvenation. :yes::hmm: ? With everything having been done so far, I am obviously in no mind to 'go too far' with it all, and thereby remove any of the historical value from it, or character of what she is, and what she has been through in her life so far - I have done only the very bare minimum to it, and will thereby keep most (if not all) of it's character intact. :thumbs:


I hope you enjoy my little write up of my latest project - it has been a laborious undertaking, but one which I found to be very interesting none the less. ;)





Edited by Grim Reaper
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Cheers Buster :thumbs:


I made suitable re-enforcements were in place in case I ended up making a balls-up of it - the RFD I bought it from said he would help sort it if needed. I knew him quite well before buying this from him anyway, and so it was good to know I had a safety net there! :blink::laugh:



Cheers bud,


Edited by Grim Reaper
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She's a beauty Grim. :thumbs:


She's probably in better nick now than when she was when came out of the factory. I bet they weren't so loving when they were pumping them out in huge numbers to be shipped to wherever they were needed. :yes:

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Well you`ve done a top job mate , might send the 400 down for a service :D



Anytime bud - you know where I am . . . . I'll give the old girl 'a rub down with an oily rag' for you ;) - and i MIGHT even get round to looking at your air rifle too, if you are lucky!! :laugh::thumbs:



All the best pal,


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Guest buster321c
Well you`ve done a top job mate , might send the 400 down for a service :D



Anytime bud - you know where I am . . . . I'll give the old girl 'a rub down with an oily rag' for you ;) - and i MIGHT even get round to looking at your air rifle too, if you are lucky!! :laugh::thumbs:



All the best pal,






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