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  1. Out today with dog and some how he managed to pull a claw off just leaving a pink bit skin. Obviously he can lick it clean is it best to antiseptic bandage up so it don't move Thanks in advance
  2. Hi there just wondering what you lads think is the best x for foxes I personally run a collie bull grey
  3. Hi there just wondering what you lads think is the best x for foxes I personally run a collie bull grey
  4. Well after all the hard work and challenges training it’s finally paid off took my pup out today ferreting, nice cold morning bit of frost lack of rabbits have made it hard to get the dog around any rabbits but this morning I got her on a nice little warren 6 holes and bolted 2 in the nets dog covered the nets nicely so I thought I’d leave a net off and if one bolted she could run it and I sat her down and within a few moments could hear bumping the dogs ears were pinned up and just as that rabbit bolted the dog was there and snapped it up straight out the hole brought it back live and release
  5. So ive been feeding my lurcher raw meat for.some time.now as ive always known raw meat to be good nutrition and my 2 year old lurcher has always done well on it however recently i had a very mr know it all male enter my life for a short while and he criticised my choice of food. Told.me that raw meat is no good as my dog is just getting protein? :/ and he needs carbs carbs carbs....i did try and explain that the raw.meat is fine but he wasn't having any of it and clearly knew all about everything In my opinion i dont feel this guy knew anything about dog nutrition or why we feed.raw meat
  6. Hi guys thanks for the add Ive got myself a collie cross old type lurcher what âge is ok to enter him in to shows and how to go about it ive always had spaniels and love workin with dogs
  7. Hi I've got a 14 month old lurcher who's does what he needs to do when lamping but when hes court his game hell retrieve it so far then he messes about with it and will run round me until it's dead or wont move. Has anyone else had this problem that can help thanks
  8. Looking for breeders of the modern recreation of the British Alaunt bred for hunting/workin. Thanks errbody
  9. Now then guys, as a quick intro, ive only ever lamped once when i was a youngen with my sisters boyfriend, I've just been getting a lurcher pup (saluki collie grey x bull grey) only 8 weeks at the moment so a long way to go I know. I was just wondering if anyone has any sound advice on raising a working pup for the lamps, nutrition advice, equipment, anything that will help me out over the next couple of years. I'm very interested in the hunting scene, always have been, and finally got round to getting myself in a position to learn, so any advice will be taken well. Thanks in advance.
  10. Bedlington x wippet x kelpie think this is the one
  11. Need to know if anyone's got any information on a Bitch called Barney the helicopter Bitch thanks lads
  12. Anyone on here working smaller lurchers on foxs. Iv a bitch there 11 months at 22" but strong. might start her at the end of the season. hopefully she'll make the grade.....fingers crossed. ?
  13. I’ve recently found out what breeding my pup has come from further back the lines and grandsire was Typp Ratchers Arri. Looking for more info on him, and hopefully wanna get some of his stuff to read from Countryman’s weekly or any thing else he wrote.! Cheers ???
  14. Aup lads, Has anyone had one of their dogs suffer from acidosis before, and how did the prevent if afterwords thanks in advance
  15. New to this, what do you think to my dogs middle pup is 15 weeks little one is 8 weeks big one is father to both
  16. Hi all I am a new member to this site and hope I’m doing it right. Apologies if I come across as an ameteur, I am, so any advice is much appreciated. I will try my best to provide the correct information required to get the best response. I have a Lurcher, just over a year old, she is a whippet English bull terrier x collie greyhound. She is a brilliant pup, well behaved, good recall, most of the time and has serious prey drive despite her size. She chases everything that moves out on daytime walks, deer, rabbits, squirrels, hares, you name it she’s on it. Despite her desire to chase sh
  17. Hi all I am a new member to this site and hope I’m doing it right. Apologies if I come across as an ameteur, I am, so any advice is much appreciated. I will try my best to provide the correct information required to get the best response. I have a Lurcher, just over a year old, she is a whippet English bull terrier x collie greyhound. She is a brilliant pup, well behaved, good recall, most of the time and has serious prey drive despite her size. She chases everything that moves out on daytime walks, deer, rabbits, squirrels, hares, you name it she’s on it. Despite her desire to chase sh
  18. anyone got a pciture of a collie greyhound i can see please
  19. I found this dog, starving at the corner of my lane. He was with a belt which means that he was disowned by his previous owner. He's around 9 months old. Which cross he might be?
  20. So my male lurcher is just over a year old now. I want to get him in to running/hurdle racing and coursing but we are both new to this. Just some tips and advice would be much apreciated for example are there any particular exercises/training? Diet? He's on raw meat and loves it! We walk and he runs around for over 2 hours a day but is there anything in particular to prepare him for racing/coursing? Also I know for the showing side I've been told that keeping them as entire males is the way forward but what about racing/ coursing? So many people have told me to castr
  21. Hi i am wondering if anyone has a whippet x collie i can see i pic of or something like a smooth coat beddy whippet
  22. Does anyone breed this cross seen a bitch on another site I thought what an ideal cross for ferreting would take a few knocks
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