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  1. Morning, taken a step back from quad bikes and hounds - Don’t need the grief anymore. Having moved house my country has changed, curious of those that do hunt the hills with their lurches and a terrier at your heel, how do you bring them on? Getting the right dog for the job is no brainier but what about the training? Thanks.
  2. Hi lads what's the best think I can do to heal this cut on my dogs paw
  3. **sorry for the double post** I know I'm probably going to get the piss severely ripped out of me for asking this, but Has anyone ever successfully trained a deaf lurcher (from two working parents and I own her 4 year old sister who is an awesome little bunny basher.) Genetically she has potential, but...what do you experts think? She's not a Double merle by the way, it's extreme piebald/white head. Her vision is perfect
  4. I know I'm probably going to get the piss severely ripped out of me for asking this, but Has anyone ever successfully trained a deaf lurcher (from two working parents and I own her 4 year old sister who is an awesome little bunny basher.) Genetically she has potential, but...what do you experts think? She's not a Double merle by the way, it's extreme piebald/white head. Her vision is perfect
  5. Evening all, I'm lucky enough to have first pick from a friends litter. He’s crossed his Saluki dog with his Collie Bull GH bitch. I’ve only seen videos of the litter as he’s based in UK. Few different characters in the litter, some sit reluctant off in the back ground others play among themselves two are incredibly forward one more than the other. What key things do you look for when picking a litter? I’ve mostly ran mine on rabbits, reds and some others. Go stead, oshea
  6. Just got this stunning little bitch, nearly 12 months old, Deerhound x Bedie grey. I used to go out with my dad's Lurchers when I was a kid but I'm a female in my 30's now and struggling to get back into the swing of things. I'd love to have this girl knocking down bunnies but I just don't know where to start, I've barely seen a rabbit or and other quarry since I moved here. Any of you experts in my area fancy giving me some advice/practical experience (hunting related only)
  7. Some of you may remember back in March 21 I had my bitch spayed and a lump removed from her teats. Another lump has formed and after having a biopsy the result is that it's deffo cancer. ? Vet says we're looking at about a grand to treat/remove it with no guarantee of success. She will be 12 in about 6 weeks. I'm monitoring the size and if it's growing quickly it's gonna be a PTS scenario but I'm of the mind to see how she goes over the summer and let her get some sun on her back and then PTS, obviously if she's feeling it I'll do the deed sooner. f***ing dogs eh?
  8. What do folk use for keeping their dogs at the height of cleanliness? Mostly talking about ears here, the amount of gunk that seems to build up resulting in all night head shaking is phenomenal. How cropped are you keeping nails? Best tooth and gum care? Seems not to be a topic but I know everybody is keeping their dogs in top condition
  9. I’m looking for some advice as we recently rescued a whippet lurcher mix. She’s extremely friendly and sociable with dogs and people but is constantly biting and grabbing our older dogs legs, ears and neck. He’s s cavachon and doesn’t really care for playing or interacting with other dogs so he rarely snaps or growls at her when she starts. He’ll just stand there looking at us or try to run away. She’s never been aggressive towards him and regularly try’s to protect him if other dogs get rough with him. However she’s constantly biting at him when he starts barking or when’s she too excited. We
  10. Well lads I’m just looking for some advice on my pup if anyone can help he was jumping against a wall and fell awkwardly on his back right leg there was a little squeal nothing much out of him but he has it held up since and is limping around he’s in good enough form he try’s to run around with other lurcher but I checked it and felt it out nothing is broken that I can tell but when I motion the leg and give it a stretch inwards and outward it hurts him?? any opinions or advice be great lads??
  11. Hello to all. I would like some help with our lurchers coat. Luna is 3 this year, her Mum was a Border Collie x Whippet (merle) her Dad a Whippet x Greyhound (Non-Merle). I think she has the harlequin merle modifier gene, I don't think she is double merle, her Dad was not cryptic as far as we can tell. She has no helth issues eyesight excellent and her hearing is as selective as any lurcher. She is a stunning wee dog, very unique markings, great temperament. Any help appreciated.
  12. Help Required as to ancestry /history of my saluki /Greyhound. I have just lost my dog of a lifetime to cancer, she was 11/12 yrs old.I am truly heartbroken. I'm not a hunter,but have always loved sight hounds in particular salukis. My dog Fern was a very distinguishable sighthound ,her colouring alone a mutated dilute. Was quite a show stopper. I'd have people literally stopping cars to ask what she was as she held herself well and looked awesome. She was Steel and tan with a white butterfly on chest. White tips on feet. Fur like velvet and shone. A glamourou
  13. What in your opinions would be the best thing to breed a deerhound/greyhound to but still looking to keep size and speed just something nice to throw into the mix or even more greyhound what do you lot think?... Cheers
  14. Blue- my 2 year old 3/4 whippet 1/4 Irish terrier out of my pure whippet dog. Anyone else running Irish terrier Xs?
  15. What’s your thoughts on deerhound crosses?...what crosses do you lot keep?...what game are they used for?...any specific lines and if you would like to share a pic of your weapon(weapons) feel free to do so... ATB king.
  16. Hi, I’ve been directed this way as Its proving more difficult than first thought, trying to find a Bedlington x Greyhound. (F1, Bitch) I would like to add one to my kennel for working purposes and to add to the blood of my future lines. if you know of any line ups or could point me in the right direction this would be much appreciated. cheers Ben
  17. Could anyone help me out, I'm looking to hard wire my lamp directly to my tracer battery. The cigarette lighter connections keep breaking ??
  18. Wots the difference between a 2oo quid dog an a 500 quid dog
  19. Having recently acquired a pup of 10 months old a little saluki collie hound 22tts and gained her trust and got her recall spot over the last number of weeks I decided to try her lamping. The first night couldn't have been better condition wise, high wind heavy cloud cover and no moon. Having tried implement some of David Sleights techniques into her training and being unsuccessful I said what the hell and took her out on her own. Kicked two squatters (bare in mind she has never seen a rabbit) out of the grass for her but she just seemed to be unaware of the rabbit and was completely oblivious
  20. Hi lads , I’ve a 15 week old saluki whippet , can anyone recommend a good kibble 16-18% protein , I’ve had her on 33% protein but want to lower it now , any info would be appreciated
  21. Hi lads , Been fishing years , known plenty of lads who hunt always interested in it , got a dog two weeks a back a saluki whippet , fathers of bog warrior coursing bitch in uk , mother full whippet . Hoping to use my dog for hunting when it gets to 10 month mark , lamping rabbits mainly . Just looking for tips on training. Never owned a dog so hard to train , still very intelligent though . Anyways , any advice you can give on teaching her to lamp , and what stuff I should invest in would be appreciated So many different lads saying work them off lead on lead you need this collar and tha
  22. I’ve got a collie/whippet X collie/greyhound with a touch of bull (apparently) she is thick set but only stands at around 22-23 tts she’s 3 years old I’m going to be putting a pure whippet on the back of her in the next few days has anyone got any pictures of a similar X
  23. I have two mk1 boxes that need fixing. Does anyone know who still does this?
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