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Everything posted by Welsh_red

  1. Few more baubles on that and it will look grand
  2. Think the same can be said for most countries . Everybody loves a flawed genius, Gazza in England etc
  3. Have u ever heard anything of ray mears seeing a big cat in the uk ? I mentioned it before and I'm sure I read a article years and years ago
  4. If people will pay for it then good for him.
  5. That sounds insanely expensive
  6. Always been a ray mears fan . Seemed a sensible and decent bloke .
  7. I've got no stats to back me up but 1 in 5 seems very high . I think the possible major upsurge in depression etc is down to the Internet. I reckon 90% of the news online and other bits is of a depressing nature . It gets the clicks which websites want . Can leave you feeling all doom and gloom after a hour or two searching the net
  8. Our is up and same sort of colours . Not my choice unfortunately but Mrs and daughter bought all the stuff last year . I prefer the green tree with different colour tinsel and multicoloured lights like when I was young . The tree now reminds me of a tree in a shop front
  9. That'll get your heart started
  10. The British ambassador on there is a absolute wet wipe . Can just tell he's a proper political type who doesn't actually care
  11. Might be a stupid question but I will ask it anyway , do they segregate over there or is all in together
  12. I'm 39 and my 2 kids are 12 & 13 . I had the snip 5 years ago to make sure I couldn't have any more. Having kids was the single best thing that happened to me but 2 is enough for me and if in honest I don't think I would have the energy to do it all again
  13. My Mrs was quite good at darts , not as good as charts wife but played County level . If I remember correctly her uncle was a darts player called Tony Brown from Dover .
  14. Years ago I mixed peanut butter , chocolate spread and aniseed oil in together. Didn't get a answer if the aniseed was a marked improvement but in loads of old trapping things I've read aniseed (anise) was always mentioned as a powerfull attractant for all animals . Its definitely got a potent smell . It's quite cheap aswell https://www.amazon.co.uk/NPOW-Star-Anise-Essential-Healing/dp/B0C7SBLK38/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=27XDTXXPSYNY7&keywords=anise+oil&qid=1701103350&sprefix=anise+%2Caps%2C89&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1
  15. I'm no expert but i put it down to their hides being a bit tough to get through
  16. I've given my ferrets a few squirrels and I ended up having to cut them up for them to eat them . Whole carcass they didn't bother much with but if I cut it up a bit so they had easy access into the meat they ate it no problem
  17. Loved Christmas when my kids were that age
  18. I looking forward to getting that freeloader off my payroll
  19. Middle of December I usually put mine up but this year my daughter wants to put it up 1st of December . She's 12 now and first year she hasn't mentioned Santa so I will make the most of what Christmas spirit might be left
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