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About Vikingblood

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  • Location
    Maidstone, Kent
  1. Thanks for taking the time to write this up...I realise its only basic stuff but really helped a lot. Nice one
  2. Interesting thread, Its something thats always in my mind when hunting. The first time I ever went to shoot a rabbit (8 years old) and saw it in the middle of the crosshair, them couple of seconds felt like forever and I was caught between 2 minds whether to pull the trigger or not...and when I eventually did squeeze the trigger the pellet jammed midway in the barrell! I dont really know why I felt the need to tell that story, I've just always carried that memory with me so vividly...the view through my sights of the fat rabbit hopping away. I somehow learned from the experience. I ho
  3. Anyone know whats happening with this club? Was only round the corner from me but seems it was sold? Be handy if its still active...
  4. Thank you both for the welcome
  5. Hi there, new member from Kent...learned to hunt when I was 8 years old while getting rabbits for tea. Moving back out into the country after 20 or so years and cant wait to get out into the sticks again hunting. Regards
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