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About jackals_arrow

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  • Interests
    Bushing, ratting,ferreting ,fishing ...

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  1. Cheers mate getting back into it it's changed a lot since I last shot so much variety. I like the bloodshot and the wasp in hand but fancied trying something new and liked the look of the kraken and haka ... and once the cobwebs are blown of Romany is a good shout for a Christmas hint to the mrs ?
  2. Does anyone shoot the haka or kraken from 4kleef cattys?
  3. Cheers lads he's only 8 months but showing real keen and been close to a few in cover so hopefully his time will come ?
  4. Alright lads recently picked up a diablo slingshot it's my first barnett and first commercial style slingshot just wondering if it's any good or should I stick with the pocket poacher cheers for any advice ?
  5. Alrite lads got myself a sproker for bushing and ferreting and working with the mates lurchers and terriers . First time with a sproker always had terriers just wondering if anyone else has worked them and if they themselves have also caught game ?
  6. Anyone know of any beddy x about in scotland beddy x whippet or beddy whippet gray cheers in advance lads
  7. Thanks very much lads for the input I have plenty of time to rest him and get him fit for the coming season so hopefully it goes well atb to yous lads cheers again
  8. Alrite lads just looking for some info or help if anyone has experienced this which am sure a few have ... My young bull cross got a nasty cut on his left back leg a deep one to deep to patch my self so had to go to the vet . Vet patched him up and said the dog had slightly nicked the tendon nothing serious that would need stitched or attention just rest to heal ... Was just wondering if he will lose a few yards of pace or slower on a turn or will he just be the same as before ... It happened to mate of mines dog but the tendon was served in two dog lost a few yards of pace and was later retir
  9. Alrite lads just wondering if anyone can shed any light on this . Bin told a 7 lb zander was caught in the canal at falkirk has anyone ever caught or herd of one getting caught in Scotland cheers
  10. All good info lads that charge sounds the stuff ... And good read Paul smith
  11. Cheers for all the input guys . Was gona try it out this season after a hard nite or a warm one to see if it works .bin told it helps with recovery but just wanted to see ur views before trying it
  12. Cheers for all the input guys was gona try it this season to see if it helps with recovery after a hard nite or a warm one bin told it helps just wanted to see views before a try it
  13. Alright lads was wondering if anyone could help with the right mix of salt sugar and water to make the electrolyte drink for lurchers after a heavy nite ano its so many spoonfuls of each per litre but would just like to know if any of U know exact or even ur own tried and tested remedies cheers in advance for any input guys ....
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