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51 Excellent

About Lurcher88

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  1. Did you see the £100k 'charge' they put on the woman looking after all the cats ... worked all her life, cared for too many animals and loses everything when she sells up. Farce
  2. Strongbow ... that's a beaut fella! Dam - Greyhound Sire - Bed x Whippet. Lamp only as I don't have ferrets sadly. One step too far for the missus! Lol
  3. Northernlite - 22" tts FUJI - Cheers bud
  4. He's been doing spot on pal. Still a learning game for him even at his age. Best advice I ever took on board was from experienced lads on here who advised to let the pup grow up in his own time. Got a fabulously rounded mut
  5. my 2 year old Beddy Whippet x Grey. Let's see your dpgs lads
  6. Spend time teaching it commands. Teach it right and wrong. Dont expect it to understand you straight away little but often is the way you'll get best results
  7. Just a few pics of my lad on this evenings walk. This past 6 months he's come on a real treat. Put a lot of time into his recall & general obedience/commands. He's now 15 months old - 21" TTs.
  8. "A tired dog is a good dog" Exercise him so all he wants to do is eat & sleep!
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