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the patman

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Everything posted by the patman

  1. im going through the same at the moment went to my local station asked for the forms required and was told he didnt know what i was on about so i explained what they were and what they were for he then replied he couldnt do that as it was a breach of the data protection i left before things got out of hand went home and downloaded them on internet
  2. just read they can shoot grouse till 2018 but no trapping of vermin
  3. there was an old man from nantucket whose cock was so long he could suck it he said with a grin as it brushed past his chin if my ear was a c**t i would f**k it
  4. i get the same message when using chrome but no problems with firefox
  5. the patman


    i saw it yesterday dont think its the same lad some comments reckon its the lad that beat his dog others are saying its in russia and he got leathered for being gay
  6. ive had the same thing got a litter of pups on. at about 9 weeks old one started like yours gave mine vitamin d supplement for 3 weeks pup back to normal all other pups no problem all fed same diet
  7. Evening all not posted on here for a while but thought id share a productive weekend ive just had, after many years of shooting mediocre to cheap chinese rifles i managed to bag a couple of beauties first was yesterday went to farm sale and noticed an air rifle had a quick look and it was a hw not in the best condition but by no means past it thought this would make strong money but would have a go at it managed to get the gun for £46.00 couldnt believe it .then today a mate of mine rang would i be interested in a hw 77 sensible money as his motor needs mot on wednesday managed to pick that u
  8. watched it last night what a pile of shite glad i didnt waste more than five minuets of my life
  9. hi lee have you been in touch with fleet kennels at queensbury any dogs picked up by dog warden end up there also try lurcher lass she not far from you and usually gets dogs from fleet after the 7 days are up good luck in finding her.
  10. Yeah watching it now piss funny have you seen the movie
  11. id keep them last you a life time got a pair with commando sole at a charity shop paid £3.50 obviously they hadnt a clue what they were worth.
  12. Definately worth it used them a few times from back problems to atlas being out.
  13. Bet he doesnt think fishing should be banned when hes munching on his fish and chips the dozey twat
  14. Who's going to be the first to send in a video of a fox caught with with night vision followed by a friendly .243 round to help him sleep.The programmes a load of ballocks and that daft f****r that had his chickens killed then caught it to be released hope the f****r catches something nasty from the bite.
  15. Dog been found by dog warden on white abbey road bradford now back home where she belongs but has been left traumatised by being sexually abused. This sicko needs catching if he can do this to a dog whats to say it wont be a child next time please watch the video if any one knows him name and shame him.
  16. Certainley not going to do any of us any favours this garbage just checked out details tonights episode illeagal hare coursing next week suspected deer coursing i wouldnt be surprised if they slip in a bit about the digging lads
  17. i like hot currys lamb vindaloo is a regular favorite but only ever made one mistake when ordering one went to a indian restaraunt years ago with a load of pissed up mates we all ordered chicken vindaloo apart from one lad who went for the korma he was the only sensible one amongst us ordered his food and kept quiet. when the meal came he was the only one that could eat it big lesson learnt dont abuse or take the piss out of the waiter
  18. ive been in same situation looked at an l200 last week thought about tradeing my frontera in looked at a few companies best quote i got was 570 fully comp. wife rang saga who we are insured with and they wouldnt touch it they explained that because it was an import they wont cover it bit shit cos i could have got l200 for a very good price good luck getting sorted pal.
  19. i bet his old man looked like a blind cobblers thumb
  20. any news russ on the dogs stolen
  21. thanks lurcherlass but the dog youve got isnt mine will keep on looking in bradford hopefully hes still around but not looking too good
  22. heard on radio today police looking for cannabis farms in bradford police helicopter picked up on a house using their thermal imaging camera turns out it was a house with two guinea pigs under a heat lamp for fooks sake
  23. saluki x dog stolen last night 11.15 pm 2 thieves got over a 10 foot fence with four strands of barbed wire on, and stole this dog he's black and tan with a white bib also got leopard spots on both his front legs he's also got a distinctive mark on him which if he's found i can verify.My mate and i believe this dog is in the bradford area as certain things that have happened over the last couple of weeks then the theft last night fall into place. Please contact me on here if there is any sightings of this dog thanks.
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