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About P5HEN

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter
  • Birthday 29/04/1974

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    on a roof

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  1. P5HEN


    It was called "turtle eagle cheetah "
  2. P5HEN


    Shame they didn't show a real course, would like to watch more as they progress through life
  3. P5HEN


    Wow I'm watching 1st 15 mins if u want to know what it's like being a cheetah then tune in
  4. P5HEN


    BBC 4 documentary on 3 young cheetah with head cams attached on now
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUsPHaDE2Fk
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qXRZ-ANZlI
  7. im in the middle of the route, manchester, need any help, ill grab the baton for part of the relay race
  8. yes been reading up about dna results for dogs and they arent very accurate, although they werent completely inaccurate on some results, maybe in a few years with a litlle more research they may get it right, so until that day us on thl will decide what it is http://news.vin.com/vinnews.aspx?articleId=23206
  9. 2 canaries free, unsure sex/age one bird yellow/brown colour , second all yellow, anyone can collect manchester area come and grab them cheers p5
  10. P5HEN

    Folding Bikes

    As stated earlier you can buy quick release wheels ,front and rear,so you can buy any bike you fancy instead of being limited to buying a fold up.
  11. If your that curious get a dog DNA test ordered, best price I found was £34 online
  12. hey j j m, i lost £40 notes t,other night on way to chippy, was gunna get me and my lass a slap up meal, but lost my cash, she kicked right off when i got back, saying id been and spent it on one them £40 hookers, (again) ive been in the dog house ever since (literally) so thanks for finding it mate, lurchers back to kipping alone, ill pm you my address, sorry to piss on ya chips lad or in this case your chow mein
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