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Posts posted by Marvel

  1. On 13/01/2023 at 23:11, thomasb said:

    As above, I have just got a new dog he is 11 months old I have pictures of the parents but don’t know how he is bred so trying to trace the breeder to find out here are the pictures of he’s parents .he was bred in Wiltshire not far from bath I believe.

    any help would be much appreciated.




    Nice looking pup

  2. 1 hour ago, northern lad said:

    The litters mine Davie..I don't remember telling anyone 26..my daughter must have replied to you..There's a dog pup here will definitely make 24/25 he's an absolute lump..The bedlington is from Rillington lines and is worked but I'm not putting another man's name on here...As for the price of the pups..this bitch was mated 12 months ago but absorbed them at 30 days..I could have passed her on but I didn't.. she's my dog and I'm very fond of her so I waited 12 months and tried again..she's in kennels with my other greyhound but I do all the feeding ,cleaning,exercising etc..and it all costs money...Then there's the cost of progesterone testing ,taking the guy from the fertility clinic from Manchester to Yorkshire at 9 at night,I'm also due an electric bill the size of Blackpool councils for all the heating they've had..I could have sold the litter 5 times over but I'm very fussy about who gets them and for what.1 has gone to a friend with whippets and terriers who races them all over the country and is a 5 star home..there was only one bitch in the litter a small one she was gifted to a very good friend of mine who apparently is a friend of yours..she will be a lamping dog in Cumbria..Ones going tomorrow to a chap from London also as a lamping dog.These are the only people I've allowed to come and see them,the others either wanted fur babies or I just didn't like them..they stay here until the right people turn up..I also pmd a member who was looking for one who going by his posts is a decent fella and offered him one for 300,but he's sorted..The litter was bred to give my pal a good sized bitch to work all going well in 3 years my non ped will go over this giving me what I want..I'm that pleased with everything about the litter I'm doing it again in 12 months,hopefully there will be what I'm after then.Before anyone starts the Hancock bollocks the 2 bitches have had 5 seasons between them whilst with me,I also bred a litter of non peds for my club all of which were booked before born and went for working mens prices...Also I rang chris who gave me Roo in 2016 he's not after a pup atm but I've told him I'll let him know when she's next in season and he can come pick himself a pup...

    How do you know if a bitch has absorbed them at 30 day NL, serious question 

  3. 2 hours ago, whitefeet4190 said:

    It’s a Hancock spesh ? to be fair I do like the dog and when he’s good he’s good can’t fault him but it’s just these niggling injuries doin my head in and if it was middle of the summer I wouldn’t be too arsed but this time of year and only having 1 young dog to run it’s a bit of a shitter 

    From the picture I’m surprised with the beardie it’s got bad feet

  4. 5 hours ago, whitefeet4190 said:

    This is my first collie cross and seems like every time it’s the perfect lamping night the f***ing dog is lame, I’ve had 3/4 grey crosses before and never been plagued the injuries like this dog, I know the greyhounds won’t have hardy feet but either I’ve been really lucky with my other lurchers of this one is prone to injury’s ?‍♂️ any ideas ?


    Did you breed it yourself or buy in

  5. On 07/03/2020 at 18:42, morton said:

    I don,t dislike you as i don,t know you,i sometimes don,t agree with what you post and vice versa.I told you a while ago about the fact i don,t keep company now,only with my select few and thats still a fact.My lad carries the work load now,mostly,its now his chance to meet and greet and select his hunting companions,broaden his social hunting network etc.,ive been there done the slog and realised,especially with the political hunting lifestyle we tread the fields in,that im safer in my own company and in the company of folk i trust implicitly,others no matter how well vouched for,id even trust your judgement on that,even though i don,t know you,are not fecking welcome with me now.If he wants to pop over to Halifax monday pm he can introduce himself,chew the fat,talk the same talk etc. etc. and he may get a fecking invite with a poodle in the field.The only thing i have to hide is a bulging waistline.

    Cheer up Morton ffs.

  6. 11 minutes ago, levigsp said:

    I have put pics up before of foxes etc but refuse to promote that man by showing photos.


    11 minutes ago, levigsp said:

    I have put pics up before of foxes etc but refuse to promote that man by showing photos.

    You do know he’s dead ?

  7. On 01/11/2022 at 17:38, ADAM C said:

    I'm thinking of getting my Beddy dog of 4yrs castrated as in title, just wondering if at all it will calm him down, when out he works cover but far too fast and moves on running hundreds of yards in front.If he's on a scent his recall is virtually zero as many a time im stood 10-15mins waiting for him to appear, im sure one day he will be on the missing dogs list for sure, wondered if any lads have had this at all with any of their dogs?



    Why not stick him a kennel with a greyhound that’s in season and ready to stand, that’ll knock the pea right out his whistle 

    • Like 2
  8. On 22/10/2022 at 21:58, Wideboy said:

    If it’s for arthritic pain and that’s what it’s intended for, then you can give paracetamol @ 10mg per 1kg. As per my vet, a very good vet that you can bring your dogs to get treated no matter what has happened to them. 

    Is paracetamol and the other over the counter drugs not poisonous to dogs.

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