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Everything posted by swarmcatcher

  1. Anybody know where you can get a couple of these traps reasonably quickly in the UK - interested in looking at the trap mechanism And please don't suggest going to Germany
  2. Phil - trying to message you but your mail box is full or something
  3. You all have more bulls than me - don't mind treading on them - but catching them by the tail - no chance i would want to risk a bite from one of them.
  4. Whats the reason for not carrying out a live removal? You can't just knock out a colony using insecticide based on a builders observations. High high is the roof - how many storeys how high of the roof is the chimney? Is it offset or centred There's so much more you need to pass on for good advice For sure if you can't get up there to proof it adequately after poisoning then you should not be using an insecticide - it is your responsibility to prevent any access to the poisoned colony by any passing bees - for many good reasons Have you got any photos - email them to swarmcatcher.co.uk
  5. If its the moles he is worried about and not the cash then increase the area you are working on so that they don't get close.
  6. For those of you using professional aerosols how do you go about getting rid of them? - there considered as hazardous waste being that they are aerosols?
  7. You have to really think about placement so as to ensure you don't end up strangling the fox - can be difficult in confined spaces Mean while the area around your fixing point gets trashed So all in all not necessarily the most sensible choice for urban fox control Be interested to hear of circumstances that its proved to work well - always open to additional solutions, not that we get that much in the way of urban fox control - not like the lads in london and home counties
  8. If you are likely to be catching a stoat in it (even if its a miscatch) it will be illegal to place it, unless you can somehow prevent a stoat getting into it. Think someone mentioned that the DOC could be used as a replacement for the Fenn but you will need to check on that - luckily I don't find myself having to worry about it too much
  9. Appreciate the offer stormboy may well take you up on it. Neil thats a pretty good catch rate with just the larsens - very encouraging to hear
  10. That jpg is not showing use of bodygrip 55 in England for squirrels?
  11. Thanks Dido - I hadn't really thought about going down that root as they didn't want any shooting round the stock, but thinking about it using a couple of decoys on a dead lamb in a neighbouring spot could offer a good solution if done regularly enough. Appreciate your thoughts
  12. And I presume you would credit the man with not being a f***ing idiot Dido I was laughing reading your post you never have enough arms I meant lucky he was able to get the youngsters so quick. I have no idea were the property is located - but I do know there's plenty of idiots out there that having read the post would think it a good idea to shoot at squirrels from their front garden in the housing estate - so no the comment about the law wasn't necessarily for his benefit - but for the benefit of the dummies that do things without thinking. And thanks for the correction to
  13. Meant to say that I do use a bit of nut oil for lube, but do wonder if that sometimes entices them thru the side of the cubby for the BG's
  14. very lucky and presumably not within 50 yrds of a highway
  15. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/167865-trap-dye-step-by-step-guide/page-2 Can anyone explain the benefits - does it reduce rust, does it assist in reaction speed, guessing it may help catch rate - no glinting metal There were a couple of methods highlighted 14acre black trap dye - heat will have an effect on spring speed B&Q brick and patio cleaner - does not stop rust Green Cuprinol - made some sense possibly potasium permaganate - to weather them Anybody got some knowledge on this?
  16. For internal work Use both B&G 5 litre with constant pressure valve and a no drip extendaband lance, and a gloria 5 litre. The B&G is great for consistency, I like that the hose comes out of the top of the unit, pressure regulator doesnt always seem to work. Like the multi spray brass hose tip The Gloria is much easier and faster to pump, always spray more with the gloria - need to order a smaller sized tip than the one that comes standard it - but not got round to it. Not as keen on hose out of bottom - feel it reduces your stretch - like the inclusion of a filter for filling. E
  17. I don't get the bird boxes out that much, just for specific situations for use in peoples gardens for a number of varied reasons (don't keep them on the vehicles as standard). Usually find that we put them out, first day the squirrels run over them and then 2nd day GOTCHA
  18. Being in France doing large estates with a good quantity of molehills on display is somewhat different to dealing with moles in recently constructed properties that have gardens made up from a combination of whatever the builder brought to site and then turfed over. It is also very different to being called into a row of detached or terraced properties and being asked to catch the mole; how are you to know if the neighbour may decide that tonight is the night he is going to put his expertise to work and catch the mole in his trap, or maybe on the other side of that high wall another mole catc
  19. There's another reason for not keeping grey squirrels if you are a law abiding responsible citizen? http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/Geo5/22-23/12/contents
  20. The birdbox style certainly do a good job and are nice and discreet, got my ones thru John as well I saw a video of the Cornish one and the squirrel and trap definitely dropped down with squirrel convulsing all on show, maybe it was demonstrating the fact it could catch them, You could probably stop it by putting in a reduced entrance or funnel in it. Though I think the idea is that if squirrel is hanging down you have a good visual indicator so saving time which is great in areas that public does not venture
  21. Wev'e had a couple of funny ones recently, one in particular where we have pulled out 2 young males (estimated from last year) - truly difficult to get for some reason. I'm thinking that if mother was caught last year and young weren't then that could account for them being very wary. Also only reason I can think that two young males would be making up together as well. Be interested in other sensible possibilities for that scenario. When its difficult like that it helps if the weather gets bad seems to pull them into the traps better.
  22. They're not a lot different to the far cheaper deal on ebay or Procter Pest Stop i think it is - the last lot I had hardly needed tweaking - though I prefer a more rounded narrower shape that fits the mole runs i work wit better. Bearing in mind that according to some European guidance we should be changing them every 20 catches its difficult to justify the flatpacks. Personally I regularly check the springs unintentionally but not scientifically. Where these bureaucrats get the ideas from I don't know, why release such info without providing some kind of minimum standard and means of testing
  23. Be careful the pics in the ads just show it working close up on things not sure it would be much use for pipe inspection or anything else. But if it is let us know, it would help in locating dead things beneath floor boards
  24. Mother would definitely move them and they can have 5 or more dreys within their area. Where was the drey? I know you said it was beneath the tiles but you indicate it was high up on the roof as well. Does that mean it was between the underfelt and the tiles? If it was, where there any signs from within the roof space that they were in that spot? I have been pulling young squirrels out of a properties this last week having caught the mother but not finding the drey, I'd always presumed that they were in the wall cavity next to the soffit in these situations - but maybe not. You would think
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