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About 5mdig

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. Don't think the bitch was back think she was choc llike him.I don't really no the chap but can't folt what I had off him
  2. downshouth I just tried to pm you but cant . think you are right !! do you know him well?
  3. ]3 years ago I took a long shot and get a terrier form and add in the earth dog running dog mag . He ended up being a really cracker and true worker. Unfortunately he was hit and killed by a car last week leving me devastated and with a big hole in my team. I am trying to track down the chap who bread him as would love to get one of the same breading. he was a pest controller in the Southampton area , he breading include stuff from nick stevens. the number I have for the chap no longer works so if any one nos who it could be and could help me get in touch that would be grate . thanks
  4. I want to bread form my bull x bitch 3/8 5/8 to keep 1 or 2 for myself . she is just under 23intch quit racy . I want brocken coted pups as dont want to show marks( all ways runing into bared wier ) i all so want the bit more up in the leg and keep the game ness. do i use a deerrhound gray or weaton gray or what ???? sory 4 the selling simpal county boy
  5. Would like running dog and dead game . How do i go about paying for tham many thank Alex
  6. Freelander commercial green diesel 110000 miles drives well good on and off roa cd . £1800 plymouth call for morw info 07540299434 devon
  7. I am 22 and worked as a keeper for the last 4 years but my real love is hunting. I would vary much lick to enter hunt service as kennels, countryman . I do work tarrers however this is not y i wont to enter hunt service. I troly love hunting and hound . I am hard wokring and keen to learn . would work anywhere if any one could help that would be [bANNED TEXT] sorry for the spelling many thanks
  8. I want to get myslef a bull whippet but worryed about it going to ground ! Any one have this problen ?????
  9. nice to see you are working hard born hunter I have read all of his books apart form every mans hand > All of them are [bANNED TEXT] books . The working tarrier year book is vary different as it is bits out on the year book pre earth dog running dog . vary good look back into the past . Happy hunting all
  10. I am about to get myself and English sidlock by a maker called J.Woodrow. Can any one tell me anything about that or tell me somewhere that i can find out more about them . Thanks
  11. uk gun reapars are good anf not fair from you
  12. 3 mouths at the best they must all sit about doing F**ck all day piss take . But i think u can go to exster and do it there and then if it is a 1 for 1 !!!!!!!
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