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Posts posted by undertaker

  1. 1 hour ago, Kaiser Sozé said:

    With that kinda proof any terrierman worth his salt should shun that show! And it should be made known to the organizers! Though it doesn't say much for them having him there!!! Dog thieves are despicable c@nts, Never to be forgiven or forgotten!!!!! Anyone dealing with them are just as bad!!!!

    Why don't the lads that have something to say to him go to show have it out with him instead of mouthing on here.it's going on years the bitching he is going to yere back garden basically.

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  2. Its all ifs and buts.right few years back there was a well known dog that was a great working dog but didn't produce a carrot.he was tried on few bitches of his own breeding and nothing came off them.then u read  lads posts on here saying they have bred off first season bitches saying that they are way to hard and mighten make it true second season.who is to say that they won't walk off.there was also a very good dog that was sold few years back at  2year old but had pups on the ground hitting year mark.it's all ifs and butt's.iff .lads well say they haven't bred off jackers or non tested dogs but truth is they have and it will continue.as the saying goes if your granny had balls she be your grandad

    • Like 4
  3. 40 minutes ago, EDDIE B said:

    Never mind them lad. Jealousy brings out the worst in people.

    Eddie I'm not being jealous I have stuff off the dog.it's just there has been a lot of dickheads lately asking questions about the dog that have nothing off his blood.the dog was a good worker and producer to the few bitches he lined 

    • Like 1
  4. 42 minutes ago, Shovel shy said:

     Id say a jet black bitch would suit.try get rid of all that white makes them look half cockers.what ya think undertaker???? Lol

    Are u saying he has Cocker spaniel in him some where.alway's taught it was ac blood.that explains the big ears and barking mad on scent.f**k I've been  working bushers lol

    • Like 1
  5. 16 minutes ago, Shovel shy said:

    Yea send it on there.

    Sound I'll drop it down some evening and get it wrote out so we can see it lol.a dog that's been dead 3years and people still wondering how he was bred anyone that would have genuine stuff off him would know if enough on what stuff to bred back into

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  6. Nippy1234.u came on asking about the dog if u knew he was famous u obviously knew enough about him.I've never dug the dog but have had sons daughter grandsons granddaughters and am very happy with them.there is a few theory's to how he was bred.the dog is dead a few years now so don't see why u would want to knew his breeding.if u have something off him just be happy with it

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, chesney said:

    It's getting to a stage when it comes ta given out a service or gifting pups the solicitors want ta be brought in and contracts drawn. The AC  Nuttall  and Gould stuff and whatever been the brand names jaysus I can just see lads going all the way to the European hight courts cause they feel entitled to geting the full pedigree history of there brand name pup lol.

    There could be lot brought to court.for dna evedince on how there dogs are actually bred lol.I might see u Sunday for a chat down [BANNED TEXT] way

    • Like 1
  8. Shovel shy the season has only started for some lads I see the lurcher lads here beside me still running hares usual excuse just getting pups going on rabbits.then u have the clowns still out digging all over the country saying it's lambing call outs.one lad told me other night he was talking to  a lad said he had a five hour dig.were was he in winter months tucked up in his bed some lads just go for easy option killing there own sport with there 5min wonders

    • Like 2
  9. 14 minutes ago, fireman said:

    Yeah he is on here and is a rep,the anti's put up a post on some anti page and tried to say he'd told them about other lads..

    Yah I seen that post alright. the lad that was posted on there had already been on the site before.they just uploaded the photos again with a big thankyou to the rep.shovel shy the lad that won his case was lucky who the judge was on day he was clued up to terrier work

    • Like 2
  10. 26 minutes ago, blackmaggie said:

    Did you know stop end ? Have you never been took in by a chancer  because if you havent your in a very small minority .but selling stuff given to charity is the lowest of the low scum Is this the same lad that traveled a bit was welcomed in lads homes fed and watered then took out and then told his lies to sell a book and didnt he have  a line of blacks then jumped on to Russell's and then was going to save the border as a worker sounds like good riddance to me 

    As the saying goes paper won't refuse ink. he will be making more books down the line. that's his income a rip off merchant

    • Like 6
  11. 4 hours ago, liamdelaney said:

    Not many have time for fucks on horseback in Ireland,we remember our history,these are the breed that persecuted us and starved us so we ate grass.The working class in England did not fare much better,they were looked on as rif raf and kept down with goal or transportation for poaching his Lordships game(thru hunger).Deep down they still think the same about us.I have told them this on occasions when we crossed paths in the field,once a GENTLEMAN on horseback in redcoat(Irish people have long memories of redcoats,Remember Skibbereen,and Boolavogue)rode over to challenge us  while out on a dig,he was told his pedigree and that he would be pulled from his mule and the shit kicked out of him.The days of them looking down at us are gone.

    Well said Liam there is a few around my area that think they own the land and game they can f**k back to were they came from

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  12. 4 minutes ago, fat man said:

    I agree with you their are plenty of lads that would love to see a good dog fail instead of seeing it do a good graft then jealousy has a lot to do with it. I have heard of lads telling other men slip your dog in here dug it loads of times only light to end up a gruller and they then turn around and say that the first time it went that deep.I would never ask any man to put his dog where I wouldn't put my own and anyone that has dug with me will vouch for that. I personally like to see another mans dog work so when I have someone up for a day I try and sort them with as many digs as possible as some may not have the digging where they are from but I will always take one of my own out aswell. Why people would like to see another mans dog fail is beyond me or worse again why they would take them to a bad place just to try and break a good dog because no matter how good they are they do have a breaking point.

    Lads that would like to see another man's dog fail when I out digging with them wudnt be terrier men in my eyes just spinless c**ts.

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  13. 10 minutes ago, EDDIE B said:

    Yea I suppose any dog could have an off day. It can turn into an excuse though, can't it. How many "off days" is acceptable? How many good dogs have "off days"?

     Ya know, there's a lot of lads out there who think they have great dogs. Thing is, they just haven't seen one yet.

    A lot of it is a cock measuring contest with lads boasting up dogs.

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