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Posts posted by undertaker
7 hours ago, Jackmo said:
Going on hearsay , I’d say your more to blame for the downfall of wheatens and working dogs than any body, wheatens and bulls av had there day there long gone as field dogs and good riddance in my eyes not a good image for field sports in this day and age , but your now bringing attention on digging dogs lurchers, white bodied terriers and black dogs especially with your bullshit articles on your old country blood facebook page , your not even a hunting lad yet you come on here crabbing people who are trying different things with dogs and an opinion on what people should or shouldn’t do , do you even keep any WORKING dogs yourself , you seem to have a personal issue with the guy that bred Hannibal’s pup take it up with him it’s not his fault leave the guy be he’s only sharing the pups progress with the forum .
Don't know setanta Man but not the one that is in the blame for the ways of the stuff is posted on sites by Man to the pits x Wheaton dogs are something else for the ways of posts that is put up with the majority of the lads even myself to Post something would be unstable for public but it's a different level of the stuff in the posted on there's
10 minutes ago, Jackmo said:
Going on hearsay , I’d say your more to blame for the downfall of wheatens and working dogs than any body, wheatens and bulls av had there day there long gone as field dogs and good riddance in my eyes not a good image for field sports in this day and age , but your now bringing attention on digging dogs lurchers, white bodied terriers and black dogs especially with your bullshit articles on your old country blood facebook page , your not even a hunting lad yet you come on here crabbing people who are trying different things with dogs and an opinion on what people should or shouldn’t do , do you even keep any WORKING dogs yourself , you seem to have a personal issue with the guy that bred Hannibal’s pup take it up with him it’s not his fault leave the guy be he’s only sharing the pups progress with the forum .
They are stupid posting on dogs that's not needed to be out in digs with posting videos of it all over sites.what every about Wheaton's out with you but what's point of these game pits brought out it's not a test for them.but u can't say anything about it to them u are anti lover is what you told
1 hour ago, Daniel cain said:
Then don't come on here with half f***ing truths talking shite then pal?.why are you Irish lads still entertaining that silly ginger cnut with a beard??? him and his sort have and will be the reason you lads lose the right to dig very soon..terrier game been f****d in the UK since the ban...you are heading down the same rd,watch this space
It's something lots of men can't figure out with him and nothing else happens to him
23 minutes ago, Hannibal3 said:
No mate , my mate owns both dam and sire . A pit bitch from Russia and Irish wheaten .
storm is an impressive dog
Isn't that they ways that storm is bred
Is that pup off that storm Dog or similar blood
53 minutes ago, Locked on said:
Grandfather the red toby dog ? Cracking litter
Be his father that grandfather is and be half brother father of pups are to bitch off that's back to the same type dogs blood in the background to it's a little bit luck with trying rear them now to get
5 minutes ago, chesney said:
Last throw back ya got was decent one had few them but not came red it's a bitch pup to
11 minutes ago, sionnach99 said:
Where did the colour come from?
Throwback to grandfather's outcross in him
5 minutes ago, Blackmag said:
Exactly they were to hard for there own good at times and reckless but I'm sure lads worked to there strengths
Looked like dogs wouldn't be pushed easy stamp dog to look at fine boned than must dogs other dogs lack
10 minutes ago, Blackmag said:
I have seen only only a couple of genuine wheeler stuff but they were reckless and got beat up pretty quick they weren't for me
Yah heard they hard going but not stick going after season or so but could be only what some men worked dogs like compared to other men keep them
I know of lads that had Ellis wheeler stuff couple years ago and didn't get much results off them now keep stuff off the ac dogs bloodline and are very happy with them
Stephen that's something I will never need is what you have sure your pals are seeking the same blood I have.and if you are referring to nidge dog ye had great results to him fairplay but wasn't my mates seeking him it was your pals in tip.then what was done to lad that bought was wrong sold a dog cudnt produce anymore but u don't hear that it's all one-sided with ye and your mates have tommy blood in yards simple
Just now, undertaker said:
But did your mates not buy in dogs and did ye not use dogs bred by the peddlers.and you ruined the thread with your smart answers straight lad who posted wanted to no about the line of dogs but you came on as a super protecter of cocker dog breeding.and final time there not my mates looking for info on dogs u or u're bunch clowns have.and take your finger out dogs arse there must be a knocking shop near u go in and spend 50 quid u might get your eyesight back
19 minutes ago, chesney said:
Ok i am referring to you dickhead you wont find anywhere that i have sold to anyone fact i never claimed to have anything either anything i did get bough long time ago thats well gone. We bred our back by using our own stuff and one dog put into that. Did people come looking for stuff over the years they did i pointed them to lads that had plenty of it did make of it never did others they sure did. Ya keep coming ruining evrry thread your a spas eddie
But did your mates not buy in dogs and did ye not use dogs bred by the peddlers.and you ruined the thread with your smart answers straight lad who posted wanted to no about the line of dogs but you came on as a super protecter of cocker dog breeding.and final time there not my mates looking for info on dogs u or u're bunch clowns have
1 hour ago, chesney said:
The point of my original post was AC is in his later years and just wants to left alone to go about his business quietly the mans gentleman and will engage in conversation with anyone thats contacted him huge respect to man for what he has working terriers guranteed there wont be another like him. To many lads have made of the back his name we all know who they are they sell as i said watered version of the original stock slap that name to it for gain simple as that constant over breeding flooding the country with so called stock. There lads on sites commenting its to hard and the dogs constantly laid up well any dogman worth theresalt will know how to use that type dog and there is a reason why the line has been so sought after it produces better results than most and has revived alot of other lines. The continous thing of certain lads coming on here to take a dig at the man are the very same lads are buddies with the lads that have peddled the watered down version constantly for a good decade or more now but yet the same lads are continously on the blower looking for stuff direct of the same line that is a fact mates of mine have been bombarded aswell with the same requests. Leave the man have a bit peace in his later years have bit respect for your elders the american lads show him the greatest of respect and he ways replys to them in kind.
If u are referring to me say it man grew a pair.right IL tell u I ain't friends with them type it's your mates and lads that are in your area that are buying up them dogs off them just tell it right not one sided for you to look the golden boy.and you were the very first man to make a lot of money for the peddlers back in the day when u were buddies with them.pot calling kettle black.u are dam glad to have the peddlers breeding put into your yard if u hate them that much get different types
No body disputing ac is genuine man it's when lads reply that he is out of dogs and peddlers are selling off his when infact half Ireland uk are happy to have his bloodline and only for lads that bought dogs years ago they wudnt have that line around in yards
8 minutes ago, Blackmag said:
One thing I will say ac as much to my knowledge has never done any man a wrong turn he's gifted many dogs and lined plenty yet his name always brings arguments up let him be he's done more than most and as upped the blood in many yards both sides of the water if you have points to score leave it between yourselfs
True words
1 hour ago, chesney said:
Got great results with that mating farless booth stuff in there then you will ever know ya wanker ya bred 100s dogs and that one mating had yous all runnning to use that 1 dog. You on about bulls going into stuff yous were a it way before anyone and still are. You slating that man for buying up few dogs ya cause you couldnt afford them anyway your issue with thst man is he bought your pride and joy your red dog. Ya went down down got a service of the chap and then told him tge bitch never held a c**ts trick that is. Show me where i ever sold or bought in i bought your red dog alright. I dont have to claim i have any pure stuff iv bred me own using one dog. Very few in my circle goes to show what ya know but o do know one thing lads your very close to have done enough enquiring. Ya wont find any tommy blood or any other in my yard bar one dog i used bou 7 r 8 yr ago the very same dog that yous all chased after with that one cross.
It's all the one ways your ways or no ways u always have to be top man
crying cowards back more gud luck muppet just came back to have one last laugh at u simple Brain.as for a c**ts trick learned that from u with sly bredings u done off dogs and bitches that u peddle to all young lads in around tip how many were called secret dog
2 hours ago, chesney said:
Plenty of it about so much of it that your setting Fb sites to locate the where abouts of all dogs bred down of them. Lads you know on the text quizing about dogs and pups and services haha ffs
I don't need to locate them or text them but I'd say there more your mates than mine I don't need boothsxbull yokes and isn't your mates the ones buying in all dogs around the country with anything ac stuff.nidge tommy red dog ye cudnt make it up lol
.see you bring all this attention on anything about ac dogs lad simply asked about the line of dogs not the man himself u jump in he retired and peddlers selling dogs diluted stuff.but ye forget ye sold pups to that were sold as full ac stuff when the big bull x was used to bred yere pure stuff and ye buy off the peddlers still class one clowns in your circles
There is plenty of dogs with ac bloodline working them and not diluted like some who have added boothsxbulls in them and the few that is peddling is coming mainly from Munster area of ireland
5 minutes ago, chesney said:
Its a fast road to ruination with most them dogs some have already reached that point the rest are not far behind. To much to soon and much wants more slippery slope to many all seeking the same type only there not enough to go around only matter time before more dogs start getting lifted and the terrier boys be waiting to buy them up.
Still few that have right stuff just keep tipping away.some were lucky when done deal was on the go selling terrier pups they were snapped up and swapped for big money dog that was sold more times and got back for fuckall
1 minute ago, chesney said:
Have i to fix them pics aswell. Just easier to buy them in for some i suppose. Did the other man ever get tbem bitchs the breeding is in the bitchs i need the bitchs i dont care how small they are the breeding is in the bitchs he says
He must have the whole lot bought up buy now.chesney nice to bred something yourself and see it work don't see point buying in season workers why were the sold coin comes first lot times
APBT x wheaten
in Earthdogs & Working Terriers
It's probably with the stuff lad has to what you have said that it's bred way's in the pup you have up to see that's what lad over here has that type of stuff in his yard post it on anywhere public forum view All what's doing it for on them dog's Same x breding in them