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About cheesegreater

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter
  • Birthday 08/03/1969

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  1. five from five should fook the crabbers up
  2. strewth,,,,,, only away ,,, for eight months and all the belfast men are speaking with a english accent !!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. cheesegreater


      wasnt in aus tiercel , very presumptuous!

    3. Tiercel


      Strewth mate could have fooled me! But there again does not take much to do that. Think you need to get over yourself Post where people can reply and they will. Like their replies or not.

    4. cheesegreater


      like a rash tiercel like a rash ;)

  3. leave that motor there yourself L330
  4. icey looks a lot older than the rest , didnt see his girl there , primark has a nice range all the same
  5. then FU*K OFF your one igorant c**t nice pups big e all the best with them only jesting skull
  6. Was out for two days lol but good crack.And AM JUST SAYING THE DOG ON THE LEFT IS THE ONE THAT TOOK THE TEETH i miss summat
  7. dropped 3 for him took them no probs his brother killed a red the other day couldnt believe it was talking to pat has photo try and get it up soon
  8. you saying paddys bro didnt kill the fox then icepop
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