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dog man

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About dog man

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  • Location
    Scotland UK

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  1. Is this your first running dog Hessy1 if so forget about using a collar go out with an experienced dog man get your dog on a long lead in with all the stock every day.
  2. Use red mite fluid for pigeon lofts it comes in a small bottle mix it in 2 gallons of water put it in a spray bottle spray your dogs soak them in it leave for 2 hrs wash it off repeat after 3 days dogs clean also. clean your dog's bed spray all your dogs kennel get right int the corners with it. It only costs about 5 pounds
  3. Good man for taking the dog in looks like the dog has been ran to bits and sick.
  4. How old is the bitch and has she had a season before
  5. I was told when very young the old way I have had dogs for over 50 years get your dog doing day time first then you can lamp later old way start the dog day time first seems to work and all my dogs jump trained from young age.
  6. I have seen this a few times with collie crosses 1/2 and 3/4 crosses use there brain too much too smart but not all all of them I have seen some real good ones.
  7. He is only a pup give him time to grow up
  8. Start her off with good worm out fitness from inside first then put her on fitness program start from scratch again I had dogs for many years and have no problem taking a bitch back after a litter sometimes they come back stronger but have to start from scratch with good grub.
  9. Big men picking on a young girl they are the type that can't to anything to a man only girls SCUM only answer for it is a spell in hospital on drip feed. You can get poachers flares with trip wires for the wall and to the door of kennel big light and they won't stay around. I hope all goes well for you
  10. Give him a dropper in the midle of the field day time and as Jo said give him a dummy with rabbit sin on it play with him spend time on him.
  11. Dig a facking hole and plant it plenty rabbit and road kill to feed ferrets feck me what next.
  12. Yes that is all that counts is getting out for a run nothing better.
  13. I thought you said he wanted £100 for a start and too good to be true price inflation in 48 hrs tell him to go feck he is dick head
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