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About Crump

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  1. happy birthday poacher enjoy it :toast: :toast:
  2. new 2 the site still lokking for a terrier. the dogs in the pictures are a credit to the owners you must be proud and so you should be :clapper:
  3. new to the sport got to whippets bought the book treat them like heroes dave harcombe really enjoyed it so far. he mentions these lines in the book how much are the will be the pups im no time waster and really intrested pleae can you reply one way or other much appreciated, crump. rhondda.
  4. hi, new to the THL do anyone know the address i can get a copy of work them hard from, cheers, crump
  5. hi, new to hunting life. do anybody know where i can buy dave harcombes book work them hard treat them like heroes, cheers, crump
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