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gone poaching

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About gone poaching

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    Born Hunter

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  1. well lads thanks alot. gave him abit of tripe and a handfull of biscuits wolfed them down in seconds that will do him tonight he aint had nothing since saterday
  2. thank you very much lads, i just hope if anyone that ever finds them self in same sutation learns from this and dont give up to easy theres always hope
  3. just to let you fellas know i found my terrier 4 days 3 nights stuck on the side of a cliff on a fast flowing river very lucky to get him back, thanks to the members who gave advice and encouragement not to give up. i went back every day searched the whole woods climbed a mountain up and down about 10 times calling hi rang everyone possible put up posters. for the little sh*t to be right under where i have walked 10 times before my mates dog found him she started barking whe she spotted him. thank god i'll be able to get a night sleep
  4. update lads went back today searched the place again no signe put posters up everywhere around the area in in the dog kennels close buy the shops and the nearest vets, i'm devasted aswell as the kids
  5. no lacator mate, cheers keano. got a load of numbers to ring tommorow i just hope some tw@t aint found him and keeps him coz he's a smart looking dog
  6. cheers lads going to ring all the dog wardens in the morning and the local police, he aint chipped mate. hopefully he'll turn up. the thing thats worrying me he doesnt have to go far and he's on a motor way
  7. cheers lads going to ring all the dog wardens in the morning and the local police, he aint chipped mate. hopefully he'll turn up. the thing thats worrying me he doesnt have to go far and he's on a motor way
  8. cheers lads fingers crossed, i'm devasted
  9. got a young terrier 18 months choc patterdale dog he's doing realy well this season, went to a mate to walk some mountains to have a look see what we could see alls was going well till my mates terrier gave chace to a sheep then my dog chased after him. i searched for 6 hours up and down a mountain 3 times my body is killing me my backs in bits, blisters all over my feet my kids are attatched to him so dont know how to tell them. i cant put into words how i feel, i have phoned the police to report him missing i'll get a pic of him up in abit
  10. cheers dso88 i'll have a look next week. lads thanks for the other coments to lads apreciated
  11. any one got some descent links for a spade for terrier work not a big bulky thing
  12. there you go http://www.screwfix.com/prods/53829/Hand-Tools/Builders-Tools/Digging-Tools/Roughneck-Micro-Shaft-Round-Point-Shovel
  13. not getting any luck in the terrier section can someone please tell me if there any good thanks http://www.screwfix.com/prods/53829/Hand-Tools/Builders-Tools/Digging-Tools/Roughneck-Micro-Shaft-Round-Point-Shovel
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