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Everything posted by Flynn

  1. I am Happy to Announce we have a new Chairman John Bennett.
  2. I have that submission here, I will see if Alan is well enough to verify ...
  3. To make my position clear, this will be my final post on the subjects that have been raised on THL . The past cannot be re written , the Hunting Act 2004 is in the here and now . When the issue of a club was raised, sometime back, it was taken to e mails only as things were degenerating via THL , I was part of that and I have kept all the e mails. After some heated exchanges on the open forum, and after Skycat and Trench had a meeting with Tim Bonner , I had spoken with the two of them as Alan Tyer was away, I was NOT about to advertise that fact on an open forum, I had promise
  4. You only need to look at the ban hunting with dogs , on face book, some folk are handing them loaded ammo , what is posted ( including photos ) here, will be used there, like wise face book again used there, even Tim Bonner is copping for a hammering . So if is see some thing that some one here has posted on their page, shall i be looking to blame them or the OP ?
  5. Brilliant idea Sandy , You know the drill, put Your self forward for the position in charge of the above . lets say Events coordinator , It will be decided on by the members at the AGM
  6. former the ALC . Wilf me dears it was very much coursing orientated back then, and was part of trying to save lurcher work , in the 2004 Hunting Act.... Now i can happily let You rant and rave , it goes right over the top of my head, and my eyes go bleary ... but never insinuate the funds are used for jollies ..! All members can view the Club funds on request .
  7. I have spoken with the wildlife officer here in Lincs, , suffice to say he was more interested in his show truck being off the road I have raised the issues of shows etc with other members, but its too late for this year i fear, however it wont be forgotten . Most of what is being added here, will be brought up at the AGM, many thanks
  8. Carpe Diem, did that a few days ago. thank You for Your input Artic. some of which You have mentioned , i have on the go. ....
  9. In a world,where 'self ' seems to be the way forward , Flipper_Al has restored my faith in humanity . The time You have given up to help me with my laptop problems today , *Flipper,* is above and beyond . Many Many thanks
  10. Your wrong again DB tis the Lincolnshire Poacher
  11. Well we shall have to seize the day and use this platform to return the status quo . Well done Dog Man .
  12. It would not hurt for all of You who feel the same way to contact them , If Your on Face book, they have a page .
  13. I listened to it all , and Your right the enemy within . I let You know if i get a responce .
  14. As Allan has written, we want a full repeal of the ban , just the same as all the rest of the hunting fraternity wants, and it is my belief that it has to be restored in its entirety , before any amendments can be made ( although I stand corrected on that point ) if I am wrong. The words Hare Coursing were used before the Hunting Act 2004 , I would like to see those words again. but I wont be holding my breathe. Those of You who have chosen Your path, keep Your head down and craic on , It really is Your choice . So here is a scenario Chap calls me , I cannot step out
  15. Its 2 years old, i see the subscription to this channel had dropped signifcently to be fair, I have seen worse. I will contact some one from there .
  16. There have been mistakes made way back, ( heaven knows I trawled through enough posts to see that ) but we are in the here and now. It is of little value revisiting the past! @ Trench I could not agree more. @ Mushroom I am not Your enemy. There are some I simply cannot help , nor do I wish to. Holding grudges is a reflection on Your self. The more foot soldiers the better, we can only seek out information and act on it, I didn't have to share the discussion in Parliament , I could have simply kept it to the members. So to conclude unite and put the endless bic
  17. I shall be in due course contacting the Chief Constable , about re establishing the Accredited Members Scheme , which hopefully can be rolled out across the Country
  18. The Grass is greener where ​ ​ You water it.
  19. There is plenty to do, with or without the AGM , for now, I would think it prudent, for folks to contact their Mps .
  20. https://hansard.parliament.uk/commons/2017-03-07/debates/B19FC866-B8DB-4888-8EA3-E1BB0E159F7F/RuralPolicingAndHareCoursing 7th of March It does not make for good reading , we have all now been tarred with the same brush, in fact I dare say , they will soon be banning rabbiting and therefore the running dog will have no purpose . As with a lot of things, the few have ruined it for the many . The only we see in , dealing with this is to raise the image of the lurchers and more importantly the lurcher owners . As long as people ignore the law , cause damage and abuse farmers
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