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About kerryb

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  1. Used to do a bit mate not now i was just coincidentally driving past after giving the young lad his first driving lesson out there ..im still shaking lol
  2. Cracking dogs recognised them from this thread
  3. Hi mate , did i see you and your dogs at yelverton today ?
  4. my uncle used to breed standard kc dachshunds their teeth were massive as well for their size
  5. Neil, i know you're bored but the trap has been set, you donut, the border is still the gamest I've personally seen obviously not as good as your black terriers but as the topic stated she still had big teeth for a little bitch,,as for EBTS I have experience in APBTs, wheatens, kerry blues and staffs and EBTS bite far harder maybe not as game 20 mins plus but bite harder...sorry
  6. Just curious, but what dog have you had with the biggest tools of their trade per size of dog ? Years ago I had a game little but snipey border terrier bitch with massive alsation size teeth, now i have an EBT yard dog with teeth that would fit a Croc ?
  7. Nice dog looks almost malinois like
  8. My first dog was a c@nt for fighting and he wasn't even very good at it so I had him done on advice all it did was make him go grey around his muzzle at 18 months old and he continued trying to take on everything and usually get mullered.
  9. a good blue heeler ACD will do it smaller fearless and never switch off
  10. Heres the shark think it was a whaler about 7 feet
  11. G'day and merry xmas, Here's a few more fish caught off WA great sport all taken on soft plastics or lures except the shark which was taken on a dead bait. ATB Kerryb
  12. Not quite rich neil but I wish lol in the UK for me a mullet on light gear in the summer is up there
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