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About Archangel

  • Rank
  • Birthday 20/02/1983

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  • Interests
    The outdoors, offroading, cars, my dogs, hunting watching films.
  1. Cheers guys, thats given me a point in the right direction!
  2. Hey people. I havent done any real fishing, just been away with old friends who were fishing and stuck a line in. That was years ago however and Im looking to get into fishing as a pastime. I want to catch fish and take them home so I need some advice on where to do this. In Scotland, I am in Glasgow but I will travel but want a few places that are relatively close so Idont need to spend all day getting there. Can someone let me know what the script is with fishing in rivers? I know you can get a licence but is this for certain parts of certain rivers or what? If I
  3. Nah mate, you aint alone... I hit the woods in the pissing rain all the time. If nothing else it keeps the midges at bat a bit and there are less people wandering about to annoy you! :glare:
  4. I have to say that from what you've typed Id say it was a bit harsh. You havent mentioned that your chickens were pets, so I assume they were always intended for the pot. If thats the case then all your out is meat. Id've taken the dog round to the guy along with your dead chooks and demanded compesation and that the guy keeps better tabs on his dog in the future. I appreciate that it wasnt your dog and that you have history with the guy but killing his dog just seems a bit callous in my opinion. Even working dogs to a degree are pets because you need to build a bond with them
  5. Ive always fancied having a go at making my own knife. Might be a little project for the more miserable days in the winter when I cant be bothered going out much If / when I do it I will be sure to post a few pics somewhere on the forum like "Scuba1" did.
  6. I saw this on the news and wasnt impressed! I appreciate that Police can sometimes have a hard job to do, but its my understanding that police dog units have their dogs 24 / 7. Ive never left my dogs alone in my car, usually because if Im in the car with them there is someone else there too. I will admit tho that if need be Id leave the dogs in the car for a minuite to jump into a shop or to a burger bar or whatever but Id have them on my mind the whole time and wouldnt want them alone for more than a few minuites. How you can leave them in your car for 30 minuites, especially
  7. Hi, I spent a long time looking for a descent knife. I started off playing with the big ones like something Crocodile Dundee would jump around with but after trying to skin my first rabbit with it I got over the macho-ness and looked for something a little more practical for allround outdoor pursuits. Tried my hand at a few lock backs, the trusted Swiss army and even the Tom Brown Tracker (as seen in The Hunted). Im currently using the Sog Seal Pup. Its a tough little bugger and keeps its edge pretty well. Its about the same size as your standard Ray Mears type knife but i
  8. Hey all, Im new to the forum so I thought I'd say Howdy! Im 26, from Glasgow and just getting started in hunting and fishing however Ive been actively involved in the outdoors since a young age.
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