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About derbyduck

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  1. I always thought it was getting horses hooves out of Boy Scouts !
  2. have you thought about Morcam Bay wildfowlers, I think they used to be in the Basc day permit scheme .
  3. ?its hard work being as thick as me , I have to put a lot of effort into it!
  4. sorry about that fukface just thought you where taking the pee .
  5. you carn't go in to the vets you have to wait out side ! there's some sort of pandemic going on in the world ! and he dont like the vets.
  6. Thanks gnipper i'll have google for it .
  7. he gets worked up in the vets and last time he pissed all over ,there was a post on here a bit back but I carn't find it.
  8. hi can anyone help please, whats the best way to get rid of mites from around my dogs eyes and ears ? is there any shampo or stuff that I can get ? I don't mind paying but the vet wants £28 and I don't get to go in with him then they will come out and tell me how much the meds are , thing is he won't go in without me ! TIA.
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