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About Bailey

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    Born Hunter

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  1. They full breed alright wil get you a recent pick jay that was taken a few mths ago and they are 2 males and if they hunt below ground how they hunt on top of the ground they be alright.
  2. fox was never mentioned as this does not show speed or ability it only shows hardness - Hasnt a clue
  3. Does barryvox work with the old Bellman collar??
  4. Dog foxes play there part to rare cubs as well
  5. Manmc5 dont go by the arrows go by the numbers if 0.9 is the lowest it will go then thats were the dog is and you should be digging down on top of it. Also if you spit in at that depth that will tell you if your on top of your dog.
  6. Check ebay bought 20 CR2 Batterys last year for 20 quid and ones I have used were spot on.
  7. Nice 1 smasher bet u were glad to break through to the dog.
  8. Dean no matter how good the bitch is you will not get 450 quid these days things are to tight good luck anyway.
  9. This dog was 15 ins and killed a couple foxes but couldnt get up to most so i let him go.. Dont think he made the grade after that.
  10. He not big dog bout 10 or 11 inches came from a pet home about 10 years ago he hated children and was killing cats for fun around the estate and my mate took him and he hasnt looked back.
  11. Wouldnt be able to have a guess how many we have dug with this dog but he going into his 8th or 9th season, not a killer but will stand his ground but what matters is that if there is one at home you are digging him if it doesnt bolt.
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