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Everything posted by lurchers

  1. I remember that programme he looked a right tit.
  2. Nothing worse when ya dig 8ft plus to a man’s dog on a rabbit.Done that a few times and that dog never came out with me again
  3. I couldn’t have 1 as a pet mate as I would still want to use it what it was bred for,even mooching about now I don’t see much apart from deer
  4. Well done mate but I wouldn’t bother having a lurcher now mate the game is knackered and not much about
  5. I will lend you my air rifle mate if ya want
  6. Wouldn’t have anything with saluki in it mate.
  7. If you look on threads years ago on this I said then the game is fooled now.But most of yous weee this is our next gen of extreme hunters we should be helping them.Feck that and this is why as they don’t listen they think they can do what they want.Im pleased I’ve got no time for a runner now as its been fooled for over 10yrs because of these cranks
  8. I couldn’t of put it better myself mate,
  9. Ya can’t miss it can ya
  10. I mate I kept 2 dog and bitch mate
  11. It’s unbelievable mate my pures were 15 bitch dog was 17 but strong and both managed pipes and to ground no problem years ago.
  12. I thought that was Alan he has some smart KC lakies and used to keep a few working ones
  13. Most the beddies ya see walking around now are the size of whippets far to big.Does nobody do selective breeding anymore to keep the sizes down
  14. That’s what it was mate from what my mate told me.Just a couple of bolters
  15. No mate they didn’t because the dogs were house trained before I built them mate,so it was an expensive dog bed really but I used to leave the doors open all day from going to work till I locked up at night mate.
  16. I’ve just rang him mate and he is going to ask about for ya
  17. They are good dogs mate just give them time to mature,as they are still playful for a couple of years.But there’s no many lads who breed them now but I can ask a lad who does for you.
  18. Treat it like a normal terrier mate as a lot of idiots say they don’t work until they are 3.Thats why there’s not a lot of people working them in my opinion but the lads that do don’t have anything else but borders.
  19. I’ve seen that happen loads of times mate,crust hunting c**ts as ya do them a favour
  20. The thing is mate if ya haven’t got enough people in different areas will the ones you have travel hours when need to
  21. Like watawolleper says mate because she had some lookers she thought she should win,none of them grafted and a good few times they would have 1 knacker or undershot.But she thought there was nowt wrong with that.She was from the borders mate but sometimes a stroppy f****r
  22. The 1 he had years ago used to do what it did out ferreting and always came back with its catch,give him it a feck off again and it done that all day.The keeper used to love watching him work
  23. Wire haired dog to a Irish coursing bred bitch mate
  24. His last 1 put some work in but he does a lot of ferreting and moors so the breed suits him,he has that much land to go at and he has had different breeds over the years to do the same work.These will be his last lurches now and will see him out mate
  25. That’s what I was saying to him why aren’t more people breeding them,as there was plenty about years ago
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