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Everything posted by snipe1000yrds

  1. i have ferrets in dereham if you are interested

  2. thanks all for the sound advice sorry for delay in replying but have been really busy will take time now to look into it thanks again.
  3. i would have been diggin two large holes for two large twats, well done them lads handled in the right way, i have never met two people in more need of a good kicking in my life.
  4. do you still have the gun is it a multishot or single cheers
  5. i tend to let them grab on to a piece of meat then i hold them and handle them they then associate being handled with good things not being hit on the nose, even my kids handle them like this and no nips, good luck
  6. Hi i am after a BSA multi shot if anyone has one in good cond cash waiting for right gun thanks
  7. quote]I have had more than a beating mate 5 days in hospital with shotgun injuris and still suffering with lead shot embeded in my back and yes i was onley after a few rabbits. Any Feckin keeper shot me or mine would be spending the rest of his life eatin Pheasant , deer and rabbit through a fecking straw.
  8. i got 36 months for poaching. mind you i was poaching a lorry load of wiskey
  9. Three weeks and growing fast 5 hobs 5 jills looking good
  10. if they are classed as a wild animal, and quote " a danger to the public " then they have to be licensed, ! if they do not have to be licensed then they are no danger, and not wild they are domestic, if they can be handled then they are tame by definition, sounds to me as if this woman has something against ferrets, i would go over her head go straight to her superior, and make a big song and dance about it, chances are she will back down, play a predujice card, i fecking hate jobsworths. give her loads of stick, i would get the rspca involved, local papers etc. ( if you got permission then
  11. as promised picture of me sandy hob having a bit of a yawn, not a good picture bugger wont sit still
  12. Maybe he thought he had seen the last of the nagging bitch
  13. pm you mate when time is nearer, wont be far away
  14. plenty, rabbit, chicken, pork belly, nuggets
  15. sorry mate but its simple in my view, " i gave you that ferret last year and you aint looking after her so i am taking her back" youv'e got to be straight make him realize that he aint looking after her propley, water is the basic, what else is he forgetting to give her, would he recognize if she was ill, because he dont recognize that she is thin ? if you dont tell him straight he will just get another pet to neglect, and if like you say he's a realy nice bloke then he will understand, if he dosent then feck him, ferret welfare is more important than his feelings.
  16. My eldest Jill has just had her first litter 12 in all lost one pretty quickley, others seem ok at mo. will be looking to home some in about 8 weeks on looking for good working homes only, will leave more info later, jills a poley, hob was a sandy, from working stock won't be getting rid of all of them, just thinning out. no tossers, mugs , or on a whim ( i want a ferret ) need reply, Can post to all parts of uk ( only joking ). could possibly arrange delivery as i travel alot, will have to see when time is right. sorry i dont post as regular as i would like but very busy.
  17. washing them wont help mate it will just make them produce more oils and stink more, it that time of year it will pass but personally i dont think its that bad a smell, my hob marked my jills neck i just use some antiseptic powder you get from your vets , i am no expert but i hope this helps, mostly with ferts it read a little then learn as you go read / learn/read/learn dont take long there are lots of helpfull people on here, dont take notice of the tossers. good luck
  18. i want to fly fish for salmon & trout, i have fished most of my life mainly Sea. what is the best time to fish for salmon in land. and has anyone got any tip for fly gear for a new beginer thanks
  19. People breeding for looks, thats when the trouble starts, and the purity goes out of it, the real people get priced out of the game, 10 years ago my Jack Russel cost me £20 and a pint now that they have been renamed The "Parson Jack " By the Fecking Kennel Club pups start at around £250. I hope this dont happen to ferreting. Anyway with the Angora with hair like that you wont be able to work them but you will have the cleanest drain pipes in the county.
  20. gutted for you mate lost one of mine a few weeks back there are some decent people on here mate who will help you out, good luck
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