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About tynetyke

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 24/05/1977

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  • Interests
    almost anything to do with fishing and fieldsports,

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  1. newcastle brown ale "the one and only"
  2. le chameau vierzanord for me, had them years and still going strong or if you on a budget you could buy some neoprene socks to wear with standard wellies,my mate uses them for fishing and reckons will keep your feet just as warm
  3. is that what it is? had some last night and early this morning and another few flashes about half hour ago didn't know what the fek it was at first never heard of or seen this before
  4. would liked to have had a look at this but on the same day as the newbiggin open, sh1tter
  5. take a look at these www.dintur.co.uk http://www.skarnsundet.co.uk i'm booked up for feb, cannit wait
  6. enjoy it while ya can cos ya back to being second best next season
  7. aye well wont find many in the stadium of sh1te its always empty
  8. could be worse could be full of mackems what part of the tyne are you talkin about mate loads of rats on the tidal part of the river banks
  9. you did well, not getting your gear or motor nicked what you trying to say like thats where i live :realmad: ha ha :11: its nowhere near as bad as it once was some canny fishin can be had from there now, no monsters mind but a lot of match anglers fish here to bag up fished roker couple of weeks ago there was a nice sea running had some decent ytings and lost a canny cod down the wall on the round head and fished newbiggin on sunday plenty bites but no fish back out friday night and sunday morn well done on getting a few out of my swim
  10. i was in a good mood till i read that , gutted now cos its pathetic
  11. really like it looks great , heard theres a lad round here with a foxhunting back piece where the fox is tattooed to look like its hiding from the hounds in his arse, supposed to be a belting tattoo wouldnt mind seeing that (and i mean the tattooo not the arse before owts said lol)
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