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About 177LANDY

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 28/08/1952

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Mid Glamorgan
  • Interests
    Deer Stalking and Field Target Shooting
  1. Can you give me a bit more info on this please.
  2. Cheers for that ,looking for a 177,nice bit of kit for someone.
  3. Is this gun still for sale ?? is it a 177 or .22 thanks
  4. Lent a friend of mine £500 quid for a face lift now I can't find the twat.
  5. All the land I shoot is left to me to decide what is taken. We also get many 6 point yearling heads so what can you leave they are all good. Never has any animal been left to do better next year. I do not work like that rather than shoot any beast in a given area. I also believe in taking a cross section of animals and did this before I went pro. Animals in large arable areas range from month to month and are rarely seen in the same area year after year. Trophy fees sort out the plan, most cannot or wont pay for the big lads so he is saved only because of the price on his head. Right man
  6. Get some and try them ,if they work for your gun then they are fine,but if they don't bin them,or you will end up chasing your tail.
  7. I agree this post is very misleading, and should be corrected or deleted.
  8. has not set their status

  9. Hi I have one for sale at £8oo it is a red one MK2 in an alluminium case and has been serviced by Davey Penman
  10. Thinking of up grading from a .243 to something with a bit more clout ??? On my wish list is a 30.06 or a 308,use is mostly on deer ,but I am hoping to have a go at wild boar, So I throw it open to the experts ??what do you think. Sorry no need to reply I have just read a thread of a chap that asked opinions of a 270 so I don't want to start another war
  11. Cheers will do that, didn't think of that
  12. Hi all,a friend of mine has just taken over a country pub and is looking for a pair of Roe Buck heads/skulls. He has just exposed a very large inglenook and wants to keep the country feel to the place,so if anyone has a pair of heads/skulls that they do not want and would like them to go to a good home he would be most grateful,obviously any out of pocket expenses will be reimbursed,I know this may sound a bit of a liberty and how proud people are of thier trophies, but there are no Roe in my area,any help will be appreciated. SOTRED NOW THANKS
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