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About Aycliffe-Ferreter

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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    Aycliffe Ferreting

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  1. So whilst thinking of ferreting I thought I would share a few stories. Tiny polecat. So a friend and I took our ferrets out and walked a long the railway line past a quarry and you come to a wall and on top of the wall a hill and a rabbit warren of about five holes, my friend first entered his ferret which starting squealing and ran out for its life and he ran after it and caught it and then a few moments later my hob ferret did exactly the same thing. What we saw was a tiny polecat stick its head out of the hole and no lie the head on this thing was no bigger than a thumb, so
  2. A friend and I found a polecat in a snare in a quarry many years ago and we removed the snare, we took it and put it down a rabbit hole and a rabbit ran out and the polecat ran out and grabbed it by the arse and pulled it back in, never seen a ferret so fast. At the time I couldn’t keep it and so I gifted it a Scottish guy I knew and he told me he put it down a rabbit hole and it ran out and legged it and he ran after it and he couldn’t catch it. Crazy fast! Strangest thing is that it was tame.
  3. Does anybody know if you need a gun licence to go on a paid deer stalk or can you get a licence for stalking but not having land permissions?
  4. I’ve found a few ferrets in my time often coming home with one extra, but I’ve never had one that was shying away or trying to run. Maybe it will relax in time.
  5. You shouldn’t really be wanting more ferrets when they all died of an unknown cause, the next might die too? maybe get new cages and make sure everything’s clean first.
  6. Is anybody breeding collie x greyhound or collie x lurcher this year?
  7. Yeah maybe true, but when you hit a dug out rabbit hole it makes the difference. atb
  8. That’s great Jok even though you thought it was Northumberland atb
  9. No. It’s not Northumberland it’s a small town in County Durham and as a youngster I was out everyday and to all areas with the dog and most of the times ferrets.
  10. Lakeland terriers are really nice and look solid with a great coat, but they're always much bigger than other stuff and hardly spannable.
  11. Good evening. Aycliffe Ferreter here. got my first Polecat/Ferret thirty years ago and probably know every rabbit warren in the local area by now.
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