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Wheaten Bull Terrier

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Everything posted by Wheaten Bull Terrier

  1. Not a lurcher, just Wheaten/Bull terrier first cross. (Non working). Weighs about 75lb and 21" tts.
  2. Wheaten x Bull Terrier (Non Working)
  3. He's at pet weight. He's walked about 9km every day. He's pretty fast for his size.
  4. This is his exercise. I agree, he's no Schwarzenegger, but he's quick as f**k, for a big dog.
  5. We both get plenty of exercise. For instance, this is what we did yesterday.
  6. This is my Wheaten x EBT before and after grooming. Only keep him as a pet, though he was bred for work. Excellent guard dog.
  7. Yeah. He's a cross between an Elephant and a Hyena.
  8. No dogs are banned in Ireland. It's just what they're classified as here. A "Ban Dog". Google it, if you're having trouble understanding it.
  9. Under Irish law, any dog, that is a cross or strain of a restricted breed, is classified as a Bandog. Even a German Sheperd mix is classified as a Bandog. So the answer to your question, is yes.
  10. He's fine the way he is. He's mostly used for guarding. Has 2 hours walking a day.
  11. This is him now. Was getting too bushy, so had him shaved.
  12. He's brilliant around other dogs. No aggression out of him.
  13. Keeping him as a pet. Too risky hunting with a dog that size around here.
  14. Only had a few rats so far, but he's an excellent guard dog.
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