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About Wilko84

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  1. Has he got a contact number I don’t have facebook pal
  2. Has he got a contact number I don’t have Facebook pal
  3. Anyone know who still dose the mk1 collars or have any for sale please cheers
  4. Get a Catch alive trap and take it down near you local tip or farm get one in straight away let u pup see it and get keen with it nock the rat your self and then give it him to chomp and get taste do that a thew time then when you think he’s ready it’s down to u to give it him and should smash it once he’s had a few nips it will know who’s to chomp them and my advice if you don’t like digging don’t get it going on rabbit
  5. hi all anyone need a hand ferreting iv got a thew spots butt this nothing there no more iv been going for years just taking a thew each time and then u get some toffee noses who can’t get permission so start paying to get on then use night vision and shoot as many as possible the thing is what takes the p*** is they don’t even pick them up utter waste idle hunter iv got everything what’s needed and more South Yorkshire butt will travel
  6. Hi all I’m after some ferreting gear could you contact me with what you got for sale plz cheers
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