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Posts posted by Borr

  1. Ukraine is a sovereign country though and Putin told the west he was doing training exercises on the border. They've killed 1.5 million people between them but Ukraine was never invading Russia so I feel the blame lays at the door of Putin without a doubt . 

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  2. 3 minutes ago, jukel123 said:

     Agree with a lot of that.

    The " orange oracle" went over everybody's heads and signed a deal with the Taliban. All those western troops killed and maimed for nothing.

    An absolute disgrace.

    Do you mean he pulled US troops out of afgan as promised....

  3. 9 minutes ago, paulus said:

    There all the f***ing same Labour. Tories and now it would appear that Reform is becoming The Tories 2.0. Watched a thing earlier, A Reform grass roots county chairman has resigned, His reasons being mainly due to Farage not democratising the party as he said he would, As things stand the only way he could be removed is if the board agreed it. But the board is appointed by Farage, He also is the the main share holder in the company, Reform UK LTD. He also said grass root candidates that had been working for free since the start and some even coming second in the last election were being replaced by ex Tories. His last reason was the appointment of Zia Usuf as chairman, Funding the party with Muslim money. He believes as i do that Muslims have no place in British Politics, If you think about it then it makes sense. All newcomers to these Islands are meant to assimilate into the population and abide by the rules and laws of this land, Why should Muslims become politicians only to try to make laws specifically relating to Muslims and how others treat Muslims and there religion?. The stupid thing is we are allowing this to happen. On the subject of British Peacekeeper's in Ukraine. Do they honestly believe Russia is a threat to Europe through invasion. FFS they lost in Afghanistan, (So did we and the coalition) Ukraine has held them to a stalemate for the last few years. Lets say they did have the forces to invade, There's no way they could sustain an invasion as they would just run out of suppliers. Russian trains run on different gauge tracks to Europe for a start, The only threat to Europe from Russia is nuclear, Far to many European leaders with there fingers in the pie of the Ukrainian conflict. Let the Orange Oracle sort it as we all know he will.  

    I seem to remember a few saying Russia would win in a few days most were shocked by how shit the Russian forces were conscription army and loads of private forces , using prisoners and north Koreans .....

  4. 2 minutes ago, paulus said:

    And then shout from the rooftops that British workers are unwilling to do the jobs they do, This was debunked the other year, Fruit picking jobs were advertised at a wage that would enable British workers to take up these jobs and afford to keep there households going, After over 30.000 British applicants applied they closed the advert. 

    Yeah about right...bit like saying Brexit would mean Costa wouldn't be able to to employ anyone if we left the EU, who cares they never paid much tax and certainly didn't employ many brits

  5. Need to force an election soon, hopefully a vote of no confidence, think of the US and UK alliance if Farage gets in. No rush as I think public opinion has a way to go yet , be good if they could appeal to Scotland somehow . As for Ukraine I don't see the EU getting much of a seat at the table , again Farage has far more chance, vance met with atf in Germany. I think the US are clear in wanting to stem the invasion I mean mass migration...

  6. 18 minutes ago, jukel123 said:


    Poor Jeremy caught lying. And he has to go to the trouble of avoiding tax by putting his land into a trust. Poor Jeremy!

    Pay tax like the rest of us have to ya fat b*****d. And if you're going to punch someone, don't pick on lowly BBC employees half your size. Ya coward.

    Another sound fella , although I didn't know he was pro EU , he's right he could hide his cash off sure , they'll always be a loop hole for the wealthy, but he's honest about it, I think there should be a threshold saying 10million on farms , if you've got a 50million farm you can lose a bit over a generation.... That said plenty of farmers voted remain , predominantly so they could keep their eastern Europeans in a caravan out the back... 

    • Like 1
  7. 19 minutes ago, Goly said:

    I don't know how to tell you this but it has been legal to marry your first cousin over here since 1840, those bloody immigrants! Lol

    Yes you're correct but they're trying to pass a bill as it's popularity has risen exponentially during the mass migration affecting public health and the NHS .  






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  8. 3 minutes ago, WILF said:

    Forgive me if you are not old enough mate, but how many people do you remember burning Korans on the streets of Britain in 1985 ? 

    I’ll tell and you probably know the answer, it’s none !…….it wasn’t a thing because random people didn’t feel that it needed to be a thing.

    I was busy playing football at the park travelling on a Raleigh burner..lol, but no it's clear that when migrant numbers alienate the native pop people take a different view and when they enter politics and alike it increases further then when they try and change laws such as cousin to cousin marriage etc then they can feck off lol

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  9. 1 minute ago, Goly said:

    No idea, I have the opinion that mad men are mad men, they will carry out atrocious acts regardless. It wasn't Muslims that caused a cowardly b*****d to walk in to a school to blow its pupils to bits.

    No but it may have been Muslim/immigrant gangs rapists or mass immigration causing his extremist views , I obviously don't condone his atrocity but generally they don't come out of nowhere, I suppose you could say that the fact most UK terrorists are probably second generation immigrants that don't feel they belong etc. But the simple version is the government and establishment have chosen this path for us and more likely our children.

  10. Many of the UK mass murderers such as hungerford and dunblane from what I know were due to police failings on checks, wasn't the dunblane guy a convicted peado , I maybe wrong. As said we'll have plenty of home grown lunatics with islamic extremists to boot, and what is blatantly obvious is if you allow unchecked illegal migration then you are deliberately causing this harm and should be held accountable 

  11. 3 minutes ago, Goly said:

    It's not a game of trumps is it, atrocities like that need calling out no matter the perpetrator, and so does the hypocrisy. Why did the Swedish topic fall at the first hurdle after people assumed of the killer and his motives? Do people actually care about what really matters, the poor victims?

    You can't prevent shit like this from happening, remove all the migrants, you'll still get individuals like the Swedish killer, like the monster of Dunblane.

    Would you get the Swedish killer if we weren't swamped with Muslim migrants

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  12. 3 minutes ago, Goly said:

    Fair enough, but I see the Swedish shooting thread didn't gain much traction. No dig at you but I wonder why that is? 

    The reason the UK government has put 'far right extremism' joint top with Muslim extremists is because they know that Europe wide they are creating and provoking it , likes of Merkel and Blair and the whole lot of them are truly responsible for it. Action and reaction...all for the vision of some elites and apologist liberals and socialists and globalists....

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  13. 1 minute ago, Goly said:

    It's not all perfect with VAG group, I've had plenty of problems with my Passat which was a bit of a surprise, perhaps just bad luck.

    Get bad ones in all makes , I'd say the best I've had were vags , worst I've had/known were fords , nissan and anything french lol

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  14. 1 minute ago, mackem said:

    This is the knifeman after the attack.



    They missed their opportunity to shoot the b*****d then. I'd like to think they'd shoot him and say 'I thought he was holding a det. ' sake

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