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Posts posted by RossM

  1. Hi folks, not the time of year I know with the season in full swing but due to an error on my part I have found myself a member of my team down. So if anyone has or knows of any small jills in and around Edinburgh & the lothians it would greatly appreciated. 

  2. 1 hour ago, FLATTOP said:

    What we’ve done in the past is left a rabbit trap with a bit of grub in it and a small blanket, left it at the last spot they were lost came back in the morning and the ferret was curled up asleep 

    Hi mate, going forward this is the plan but we were 60 odd miles from home, because this is keepered land the outcome won’t be good for them 

    • Like 1
  3. 19 minutes ago, bird said:

    Shame about the stinkers,  but atleast  they  won't starve with few rabbits to up there. Apart from there collars  on, is there any other way you can track  a ferret?.like say with dogs you can find them , in your phone  if they waring tracking  collars.

    I have a locator for when they are below ground but nothing otherwise 👎🏼

  4. 3 hours ago, Black neck said:

    Name ye price big yin

    Dog, 6 ferrets, 100 purse nets, 2 long nets, 3 carry boxes, ferret finder with “TWO” collars, and f**k it why no I’ll throw in a lamp……..


    half a packet of skittles and a curly wurly 😬🤣

  5. 7 hours ago, lurchers said:

    He’s a nice dark one does he have plenty of wild polecat in his blood.

    Unsure to be honest, he works well, this was the plan from last year, I bred my hill to my hob, my pal gets a kit and I get this hob.

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  6. 1 hour ago, The one said:

    Think i would of cover her with a snipped hob your going to lose the use of the jill for 3 months and the kitts might just see a bit as the season finishes 

    Aye, I did ask about but couldn’t get hold of one 

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