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About Rabbiter12...2

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  1. My neighbour has a problem with squirrels so I set up a peanut feeder and....
  2. For rabbit shooting with a sub 12ftlb .177 air rifle do you need to head shot or can you get away with body shots???
  3. Does it really matter what the brand is like? Or what the gun is like and how it shoots?
  4. That is what I have been doing and it seems to work, just wanted to check. I am not part of a gun club. Thanks Daniel
  5. Hawke vantage 3-9*50 i am not exactly sure how to fill it up. when I plug the pump in should it be at 0 or not?
  6. Yes it is so light that a feather could trigger it. Complete juxtaposition to the springer it also came with a pump a very good scope pellets a bag a silencer bipod a lamping torch and bean bag rests. For £340 but the guy says it only shoots around 60 pellets a fill but there aren’t that many rabbits!? it is very heavy but is fine plus I can rest it on bipod hay bale or on a fishing pole rest
  7. I’ve got this one absolutely perfect for up to 200m
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