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About Robtheparttimehunter1

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    Rookie Hunter

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  1. I'm not sure on the mesh size come to think of it, I know it's a 6z gauge though and 100% bagging but we dont get massive numbers in ours. Definitely going to try night time netting though sounds a fun way of hunting!
  2. Haha I'm not sure mate I never filled the paperwork in, she said I'm such a nob I should have a sir at the beginning of me name ??
  3. I just like to mingle with the peasants now and then ?. Me sister bought me a square foot of land that has an entitlement of sir thought she was funny !
  4. I'm far from an expert pal, never claimed to be one either ?. Pic looks a nice place to hunt mind
  5. I can assure you my glasses are not rose tinted they are generally very clear ?, I understand your point but like I said it dosnt seem to be a problem we experience in either my pals commercial quick sets or my traditional long net. As I said though we dont get alot of rabbits in the long nets most are caught with the dogs or the purse nets, the long nets are there for a last line so you lads who catch loads of rabbits in the nets are more likely to have bouncers just because of the numbers alone.
  6. It certainly looks a skill mate, I best get better at setting the net in the day first mind me pal still laughs his chins off when I'm struggling hahah
  7. I was just talking about it with me pal last night funny enough we are going to give it a bash soon cant wait ?
  8. Hahaha maby I've just got good nets ?. TBF most our rabbits are caught with dogs or purse nets, as I said above I've never been long netting at night, we use ours when ferreting so you been a hardcore longnetter probably have a much larger number to compare off, but it is very rare we have a rabbit bounce off our long nets like I said
  9. Trammel nets just look a carry on, I've never used one mind but I thought the whole point in them was to help stop rabbits that bounce out the nets? Honestly it's very rare we have rabbits bounce of of our traditional long nets or quick set nets so I couldn't see the benefit of having them for the extra carry on.
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