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Steak knife

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Everything posted by Steak knife

  1. Is the show in North Armagh not on this year? I heard it was! Or is it just not advertised, for various reasons? Pmsl
  2. There’s a lot of sh@te about atm. Even the well bred ones don’t always make the grade. Don’t stop some folk still breeding of them mind you
  3. As long as they look like Wheatens Surely they’re Wheatenstaffpitbullirishstaffpitbullwheaten and maybe a bit of breeding in between
  4. Lad I dig with had a Russell dog fitted a few times on him. We actually dug to the dog one day thinking he was on but he was having a seizure. Then one of my own began taking them also. None were bred from and both eventually were PTS for the right reasons for the animal and our own peace of mind.
  5. ? That’s wild Are you trying to catch any at all Dido?
  6. I might just do that KD. so it’s fox or otter trap then ?
  7. The trap is 18 inches long and the teeth section is 8 inches in length
  8. The trap is being sold in Ireland. That may be the reason why the design is different from what you would be used to seeing ? Ill find out the measurements maybe it might shed a bit more light on it
  9. Looks very big for a rat trap imo first photo doesn’t do it justice here’s a few more
  10. Seen this for sale £20 says rat trap?
  11. No mate Was lying in bed the other day and heard the noise again myself for few seconds Im convinced it’s them valves on the piping in the attic. They are right above our bedroom and that’s where you hear the noise every time sounds like scratching but it’s not it’s more of air and water trying to pass through them valves Ive given up believing there’s anything with a heart beat up there at all When the noise starts it doesn’t last long and the kids in other rooms think it’s above their rooms also but it’s deffo not
  12. Sorry KD I got your pm and replied I don’t think you’ve received it though
  13. I’ll await patiently on your verdict ?
  14. Yes I would be close enough to nature Last night I was out in the garden and could hear 2 foxes calling each other The fields would be across a busy main road but not that far away from the houses The kids and the woman said they heard the scratching and it sounded like it was scuttling across the ceiling I haven’t heard that just what sounded like scratching for a split second or 2 Have dogs penned in garden a dog In the house but it doesn’t get further than the utility room
  15. It’s a proper head wrecker Im coming to the conclusion there’s nothing there and it is the old heating system in the attic Thats only for piece of mind though I can’t explain the noise as it sounds like an animal scratching at the plasterboard and in different rooms different times of day and at night I do live in a built up area around 200 houses in my end alone and there’s other developments around us I am at the end though and there is fields close to me if that helps any Cheers
  16. Thanks lads No deffo not birds Can’t explain it at all I know there’s neophobic rats but not camera shy ones That camera was up a week and the noise was heard twice just above two different rooms sounds like it’s right on the ceiling scratching then it just stops Random times morning afternoon Opposite rooms one at gable of house at rear other at Front joined onto next door proper head wrecker this
  17. Just an update. Camera up in attic a week today not one motion detected. Myself and partner heard what sounded like scratching the other day in area close to pipes and where the camera was facing. I went live on the camera and there was nothing there. None of the traps activated Still no answers
  18. That’s what I’m thinking Camera been up over 24hrs now Nothing
  19. Heard it earlier myself again Scratching noise in one spot and then sounded like it was scuttling across the plasterboard in the attic Didn’t sound like birds on roof or In outside guttering or aerial blowing about Got up to investigate and found this under insulation looks like old chestnut shells best thing about it is no chestnut trees near my home have a trial cam set up so will let yous know results cheers
  20. Yes 2 aerials on my gable mine that’s not used anymore and the next door neighbours It runs over the roof tiles diagonally to them
  21. No mate I checked that out there on utube
  22. No mate deffo not starlings When I heard it that time it was In between landing and bedroom so well away from the gutters
  23. Deffo not when I heard it was at gable end of house side of attic ?
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