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mt11 last won the day on February 6 2018

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169 Excellent

About mt11

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    Rookie Hunter

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  1. 18mo bitch of mine, starting first full season
  2. Mostly daytime I think, I grew up in Northumberland and saw a fair amount of lamping though as a kid, always other peoples dogs. I am new to the yote stuff so will be taking advice, but luckily have some friends who have much experience.
  3. He is 27 now, I expect 29-30 will be max. He is gonna be a big quarry dog, would love to run him on deer but where I am that would get him shot...
  4. Nothing yet, taking him out with the terriers just to get out. Later this year will run him on jackrabbits, goal is to get him on coyote.
  5. Sad to hear of the passing of a dog man. Was he bully guy? I think I have heard of him.
  6. I am new to longdogs, this guy is stag x grey. He is fitting in well with the terriers.
  7. From Northumberland, England, living in MO right now...
  8. No, just a little bit of an odd duck looks wise but she'll do for me...
  9. Debutant season turning out to be a cracker, groundhog, possum, armadillo, raccoon so far.
  10. This is her first full season, very happy with her.
  11. In a lot of cases they do get used to break up hard ground and bust roots, but there are better tools for both imho. Still each to their own...
  12. Haha, I'll be honest they belonged to a friend but they are carried by most everyone over here. Not a tool that I am fond of, if it is tight enough that you need them to clear the holes not big enough...
  13. My 2 year old male, 13" tts, steady as a rock.
  14. Good looking pup. My stag/grey cross pup is 7m now, very pleased with how he is developing. Good luck with yours mate.
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