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Posts posted by Saltmoon

  1. 49 minutes ago, sandymere said:

    Some nice images SM ? I've always struggled with a camera, get the odd lucky shot but that's about it, my Achilles heel. I think what makes a great photo is different to what makes a nice painting and i see the painting not the photo.

    I'm useless at photos it's a friend who has her own business for collars and used these pair of idiots to "model" them for her photos so I can't take any credit for the photos unfortunately but thought the dogs looked alright in them 

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  2. 1 hour ago, Troutslayer said:

    Looking for bit advice on recall guys. I have a 3 month old pup which is doing really well but the last two weeks her recall has got a lot worse. Seems to take zero notice at times. She was doing so well then all of a sudden took 3 steps back. I'm not pushing her in any way just slow and steady. Been doing the obvious I.e rewarding when coming ect, ect. Any advice appreciated. Cheers. 

    When it don't listen just walk the other way away from the dog, I've never used treatsjust make a bit of a fuss when they  do what is asked of them. If walking away doesn't do it then hide from the f****r they soon get scared then don't want to be left again so listen well after that 

    • Like 4
  3. 2 hours ago, Tyla said:

    We've done the best part of a grand in the vets this week. One of the five dogs went rogue and broke into a cupboard on the yard and ate rat poison. Also ate 24 eggs, the egg box and part of the sofa. Didn't know which one it was so had to treat all 5 with activated charcoal and vitamin k. Then one of them threw up charcoal liquid and destroyed the carpet. Thought we'd got away with it when following day one of the youngsters went down hill, day off work, back to vets, on drip, all kinds of meds and stayed in all day. Seems ok now though which is good, unlike my wallets. Grand to the vets, new carpet, day off work and we moved house today! It's been an ideal week lol

    That sounds about as stressful as it could get mate! 

  4. Yep £163 of that was the consultation fee he's right as rain now though pain in the ass but it's done now I guess can't change it but I may change vet's though a pal of mine has given me a number for a lady who deals with a few local hunts aswell so I'd prefer to use a vet that understands hunting dogs 

    • Like 2
  5. On 27/10/2021 at 18:11, SheepChaser said:

    I was out lamping last night, having a good few runs and it made me think. . . . . 

    So I’d better say first that this isn’t a dig at anyone or me trying to say my dogs are great, thought I’d better get that clear before someone got butt hurt ......

    So pretty much all of the ground I run is big arable with thin hedges about the place, woods, rough patches etc but not a fence or wall in sight. If stuff is out in the open on these big fields it is usually all just down to the quality of the dog and the quarry as to whether it ends up on the deck or not. 

    However a lot of the time the quarry are near wood edges etc and a hell of a lot of slips end up going into it through the woods, sometimes the dog wins and sometimes it doesn’t.

    When I go elsewhere and we are in smaller fields which are fenced or walled (especially those which are double fenced with a big thick hedge) it makes some quarry a lot easier and some I think harder .....a friend of mine once said “fences make hero’s”.

    When I lived back in Wales I was running a lot of small fields (20/30 acres being a large field) with fences and although sometimes you got done by some thing getting through the fence into the hedge and needed a fast dog to turn it off, the bigger quarry would generally be pretty well screwed. This obviously makes a big different to catch rare and what dog suits.

    Im just curious as  to what other members have on their ground and what they prefer to run etc etc 


    My lamping is in smaller type fields where the hedge line is close so the dog must be good at turning none of this cruse ship turning alot of the rabbits caught are on the hedge line after being turned a couple times better when it's turned back out into the field though, I think it all comes down to having the right sorts for the land you hunt, like if your dogs are use to running massive open land then maybe they wouldn't fair so well in smaller fields and same with my dogs they might not fair so well at your type of land ?‍♂️


    I feel this should be tested properly for science so what's the postcode? I'll get the dogs preped and ready ? 

  6. 33 minutes ago, Greyman said:

    Lovely bit of H and S that top pic mate man after me own heart cobbled together scaffold and 240 tools think I even have that same blue lead with silver foil round the fuse, top stuff ???

    I always figure if it doesn't fall over then its good enough to stand on ?‍♂️ I'm sure one day I will end up falling but until that day comes adapt and overcome anything to get the job done 

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