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About cozy

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. cozy


    Hi lads, quick question I’m thinking ov buying a Ortovox s1 with a bellman flint collar. Anyone knw if this would work together?
  2. Yeah it works just need a collar
  3. Ok mate ill have a gander now cheers bud
  4. Can anyone tell me how to put pictures up please?
  5. Anyone know were I can bye a collar for a ortovox d1, having trouble finding one at the moment??
  6. Can [NO TEXT TALK] help me, I am having trouble finding a collar for a ortovox d1 has [NO TEXT TALK] got a clue were I can bye 1 as iv just bought a reciever??
  7. Cheers rex tha was one of my concernse as the bloke in shop seem to be tryin to. hard to big it up lol, was thinkin ov bying another light force as i knw were I am with it then lk
  8. Hi peeps, I'm lookin to bye the buffalo 540 just wondering if anyone have had any experience with one before i go and spend any dolla any feed back would. Be great
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