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Showing content with the highest reputation since 09/02/25 in Posts
the only pup that was born, i lost the mother and the rest of the pups in a c section. my pals beagle spaniel raised him lucky enough. 3/4 greyhound 1/4 wheaten if he turns out half the dog his dad is ill be a happy man.23 points
What a treat.. My lad said he'd do a roast for when we got home today, fair play to the lad he done a great job..18 points
Couple Rib Eyed Steaks for Valentines day meal. Photos for Franks Dad. Chips boiled for minute and a half then left to dry. Will be deep fried for about seven minutes till they start to turn at 140c degrees then about one minute at 180c. Cheers Arry15 points
Sorry chief didnt see this. No comparison in any way to the pit bulls but nice natured decent little athlete in fairness.14 points
14 points
Was 56 when my first grandchild came along had another one within a year and now they all live about 50 ft further along the pontoon to me so I see them every day take and collect them from school a couple of times a week have them sleep over most weeks and generally spend loads of time with them people get very boring as they get older so I enjoy my time with the little ones showing them stuff and doing things with them14 points
If anything reading the terribly sad story’s on this thread should make you all feel like you ain’t alone. Theres story’s here that would have most men unable to stand up in the morning, crushing…..and yet ordinary every day blokes find a way to carry on. Nobody can take another blokes pain away but this thread is testiment to the fact that people just like “you” can find a way to cope and live and contribute some kindness to the world…..that’s the very best way to honour someone imho.13 points
13 points
$100,000 worth of Arab falcon on my glove; I was terrified it would start baiting and injure itself ! Cheers.13 points
I was bullied at secondary school I used to get gang beaten by pakis for some reason they just didn’t like me it started end of year 7 just the occasional good hiding by yr 9 it was more regular just a couple of digs every couple of days the school didn’t want to do feck all about it there useless mid yr9 I was waiting outside the science labs after lunch ready for lesson and I was jumped by this gang of pakis it was a right pasting I was punched kicked and stomped I legged it home crying my old man just finished his 6 till 2 shift I told him what happened he had a bit of a man to man talk wit13 points
Bit raw for me this one after the year ive just had.....having lost the most precious person in the world to me last year and hitting absolute rock bottom im only just starting to realise that in order to truly honour that person you have to carry on and live your life in a way they would have wanted you to.....we're all different i guess but expert professional help was of absolutely no use to me at all....after pushing everybody away for months ive found the familiar faces your most used to being around are the biggest experts as they know how you tick but im not expecting the actual heartbr12 points
This footage is fantastic,I could feel my heart rate increase,love how the kid blasphemed and called out to the Maori gods,lol. Smart move not heading for shore,he gives the reason.12 points
Doing breakfast this morning, last couple of eggs, I get mine from a farmer a five minute walk from me, I've bin.out we him a couple of times , he as a couple of salukis , 1 pure, and 1 crossed we a greyhound, nice dogs, specially the cross, it's always glad to see me, and it's likewise, anyway i got my eggs when out comes John the farmer, we got talking , he asked me if I wanted earn a couple of quid helping wi some fencing, I don't need your money i says , you let me get my eggs fer nowt , so.im.into helping wi fencing, when his good lady wife if I fancied some lunch, that would be nice i sa12 points
11 points
Load a shiney new traps to get dirty tomorrow, got few hundred acre of gallops to sort out an a few more big farm jobs, like black gold them little fcukers haha11 points
11 points
Bless you for sharing that mate . What I will say is That I’ve seen things that would shred a lot of people mentally and I’ve buckled with things that others take in Their stride . There’s no rising scale of traumatic events and impact , each is individual and personalised to you . Trauma is an aspect that wears many faces , for some it’s a memory that spurs people to greater heights . For some it’s a rock that pulls them down . What I will say with my own black dog thoughts is that they dogged me for a long time , it was constantly in the back of my mind and was the last thing I th10 points
10 points
10 points
Steak and Chips with Peppercorn sauce. Cottage Pie tonight nearly over crisped it. Cheers Arry10 points
10 points
That's pretty much the way that I always saw things mack , but I'm watching things change daily , and the country seems to be accelerating rapidly downhill. The minimum wage has become the maximum wage. Zero hours contracts , and agency work , is becoming the norm . Even the real grafters are having a tough time at the moment. I sincerely hope that things change in the near future . I have a couple of mates that have kids living in caravans on the drive , and one mate that built a big shed in the garden for his son. It's a sorry state of affairs , when a hard working young bloke can b10 points
Life doesn't always work out the way you expect it to. My late wife ( the mother of my two children), passed away at 37. The kids were 11 and 13 . To be honest , from the day that they were born , we'd always tried to teach them all the skills that they'd need in life . by the time they went to school , they could already read and write , swim , cross a road safely . All the basic skills that they'd need if ever we weren't around to help them. By the time we lost their mom , both of them were pretty much capable of running a house. It's just as well that we did really , because when10 points
Well..I did spend a fair bit of time on the cliff looking.. but I looked for it from the room And tried to spot it from the hot tub but it wasnt to be...no whale spotted.. gutted lol10 points
Yes you are correct I bullied the mother and I’d do it again if I had to no children should be bullied10 points
I’ve come to the conclusion that the brisket is the best part of a moo, that was lovely and I’ve now got an afternoon in my chair, I’ll maybe inspect the back of my eyelids for a bit Also made a corned beef and potato pie type thing for work during the week10 points
9 points
Thank you lads. I’ve spent the day balling my eyes out, scaring people with my attitude, yelling, getting beat by the mrs at pool, forcing myself to eat, nearly threw the fridge out of the window coz it packed up and I’m pretty sure Spotify knows how to piss me off coz the song I had to carry our kid too just randomly came on in a rock list. My mum has Alzheimers so I can’t talk to her about it because it makes it like it just happened again for her. My mrs has been my rock today and kept me out of bother. My head is battered yet you lads have shared your hearts and helped keep me sane..9 points
Have you seen that vid when a mother enters the classroom and loses her shit on a pupil that’s been bullying her child ? Reminds me of when my daughter was bullied the school did f**k all about it so I went to the shop where the bullies mother worked and made her cry no more bullying and next day my daughter had a letter of apology from the bully9 points
Loosing a child as well as both parents plus a few very good mates all of them I will have the odd thought about them most days usually by reading or seeing something that will remind of them though i don't sit there drinking or pondering too much as making myself feeling depressed won't bring them back and it's something they wouldn't want me to do anyway.9 points
Had a great day tonight,one of those feel good days,nice lunch in town,incredibly tasty melt in the mouth Wagyu rib-eye.9 points
9 points
Its a hard one mate. Ive had a two really bad days like that that I won't go on about again. I tell imagine how would they want me to behave and live my life. I'm sure they would say you have your life to live so go live it but don't forget me. Thats exactly how I have coped. All the best mate. Arry9 points
9 points
Wagyu burger,humus,truffle and Parmesan chips,and watched a chocolatiere making and decorating eggs.9 points
9 points
9 points
i know mate had plenty of decent homes lined, ive got a really well bred hard greyhound bitch here to have a go at again, ive worked her straight of the track and she loves it, no reverse.8 points
8 points
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8 points
Working away this week ...instead of hotel food started taking the camp stove...so just fried up 2 sirloins...toped off with pepper sauce8 points
8 points
8 points
8 points
Wanted to try a little something different so tried making a catfish and shrimp courtbullion . Not too hard to make cam out pretty nice ! Definitely a nice lil change of pace. Think it's gonna be the new way I cook a lot of sea food....would make a badass pasta sauce too it thinks8 points
8 points
Shitey dismal wet day here the day, so fcuk the moles off till it dries up a bit. Helped a mate unload a crop a pigs he just had delivered, average weight about 40kg, be bacon in no time haha8 points
I have two older kids of 21 & 22…..both cracking along doing alright, I just take a view of if you want to go and do something off you go and when you want to come home, just come home ! My oldest has in the last 3 years moved out, moved to wales, moved back again, moved to Belfast, bought a house and sold a house…..and she has a great job and now she is at home until she decides what she wants to do next. The younger has gone and moved in with the boyfriend, has a decent job on good money and is happy for a minute, if she changes her mind she just comes home…..whatever, couldn’t8 points
8 points