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23/01/25 - 23/01/25
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Showing content with the highest reputation on 23/01/25 in all areas
10 points
10 points
9 points
It’s winter and just the weather. At one time the weather was mentioned for a couple of minutes after the news, now it’s the news!7 points
7 points
6 points
I’m surprised we didn’t bring them ashore, put them in a hotel, give them a mobile and an NI number and some spending money ?…….too white maybe ?6 points
I remember walking to school in snow and freezing temperatures in the late 80s early 90s. One time I got all the way to school to find out it was closed and had to walk all the way back home (maybe half HR each way on my own) I was maybe 9 and i must of been cold when I got home cause my mum put the gas fire on for me to warm up Those were the day5 points
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5 points
Trump has just signed an Executive Order to release all files on JFK, RFK , and Martin Luther King assassinations, and said EVERYTHING will be released. As you know, it’s a subject I’ve studied a bit, so I look forward to seeing the outcome. Cheers.4 points
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4 points
I believe the correct way to address him these days is sir Kenneth of the missing digits. A very old and distinguished family name! This is his family crest4 points
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4 points
The best way he can do that is over the coming months he needs to prove Biden and the dems stole the election (which they did) then everything Biden put into law won’t count4 points
Time bound legal requirements maybe ? Who knows ? But it will be interesting reading will likely turn out to be an anti climax3 points
And so it begins....... When I was in the states I met quite a few people who told me of "Sanctuary cities" places where ICE had no jurisdiction,get to one and your home and dry,get a house,get a job,put down roots,have a few "anchor" kids and your set for life.Donald is having none of it!!! Listen to the gang-banger from Haiti with 17 convictions.....3 points
I got the message last time , to stay in doors , as the storm was a risk to life . Funny really , because I never got a message from my gaffers telling me not to come to f***ing work .3 points
He doesn't deserve to be kept alive,fed and watered by the British taxpayers...let the parents of those poor kids punish the cnut ,live on the 10 o'clock news3 points
52 years the horrible piece of shite has got with a bit of luck he won't last 52 weeks3 points
I wish mate. On one of my permissions theres supposed to be a treasure in the woods. Apparently the tail goes that a group of men got hold of a chap brought him up the river in a boat to where its supposed to be hidden. he wouldn't tell them where it was so the hung him from a tree and the place has his name to this day. I have had several goes there but no luck so far. Thought I has a promising signal one day, only to dig up a ammo box with two bottles of wine in it. Thats still my strangest find so far. I did post pictures in the Metal Detecting Guys tread. The way I look at i3 points
3 points
No something I like talking about mate having money doesn't make you any better than any man or women on this planet, got my finger in a few pies all legal and legit. Hard work and sacrifice being the main ingredient to it all im the least egotistical person you'll come across it's one thing I can't stand the likes of people in well paid jobs looking down on people with lesser paid jobs or grown adults who brag out how many women they've slept with and fancy cars and houses ect ect No gear pal never been my thing never got my head around paying £100 for a bag and chas3 points
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3 points
I often research old maps to help with the metal detecting. Handy to seem where hedges once were. Cheers Arry3 points
34 years of age,young family and fully retiring in the summer not bad for someone who sits hiding in the bedroom with my tin of corned beef and out of date Duracell batteries. how you potray my life to be compared to what it is in reality is chalk and cheese me old mate if your needing some bait for these elusive cats I've got some spare corn beef going lol3 points
Same as that dukes but I literally do have to batten down the hatches lol moved my Christmas tree from the end on the jetty and secured all the stuff on the roof been out in the rain cutting and chopping logs filled up the water tanks and I’m ready hopefully it will bring a few more trees down for me take care and stay out the woods3 points
I've got GB news on the radio in the background they are covering the sentencing of the scum that killed the kids in Southport and the way he is reacting, if ever there is a need for the death penalty in this country its here.3 points
a blind man could see covid was released from a us backed chinese lab ffs you really had to have the blinkers on if you didn’t3 points
well if the laws were fair the owner of only fans is a pimp or at least concerned in it you have to remember a few kids died as well from what landed in the post mate if you ask me for say a kilo of cocaine i say yes ring me pal on that number he will look after you i get a 6 for been concerned in the supply of class a drugs how many poor c**ts are doing life some for weed in the usa but he gets a pardon why what makes him different ?3 points
Try doing it freehand, haven't picked up a pencil in over twenty years and within a week was creating these masterpieces, reference grade sketches, Da Vinci's family have been in touch to pay me compliments.3 points
26 inch .bomb proof with other dogs , run with a small pack of terrier beagle mix .no hassle unless would be under the sod straight away . Can't keep anything grumpy or nasty .3 points
Unless it has changed in the last 10 years, you can net without any license, but you will have to check with your local fisheries officer (google it) as there will be restrictions on mesh sizes, and where you can drop the nets (nowhere near a river mouth when salmon or seatrout are running for example). There will also be restrictions on what you can do with your catch (if you use a powered boat you cant sell your catch without a commercial license). Just for info but where i used to net you could expect a bit of grief from the rod and line anglers, so I would drop the nets near low water in t3 points
3 points
We don’t need the foreign commies to take us over, we’ve got Starmer and the Labour Party ……just look at today’s decision to tax widows of solders on the payment they get when their men die in the service of our country. Ive never seen the hero Simon Weston so angry… Im starting to despise ALL of our politicians. Cheers.3 points
me heart after the heart attack was weak mate ejection fraction 15 percent of left it then with the ambulance taking ages from 6am to dinner fully blocked for about a year it was like i had heart failure legs marking push finger in leaves massive dent a year half ago it was 53 percent i’m better now so be improved and that was fine bit a scarring3 points
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3 points
Here is our 2 dogs , work along side our small pack .nearly 4 years old .doing very well. Very brainy , love the fells , and does us proud , many , many years worth of good breeding in them .I've had the privilege to own and run most there blood lines since the 90,s2 points
2 points
ye he’s been wrong a few times in discussions with me lol so at least you both have something in common2 points
We need mcHull to settle this battle of semantics. His piercing judgement and unrivalled military knowledge will surely provide a definitive judgement. He's a man who comes to any intelligent discussion armed with a deeply held uninformed opinion.2 points
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2 points
About 11am in the dozer just after breakfast felt a bit of pressure on my chest and thought it was indigestion so took about 8 rennie tablets..felt a bit sick so stood on the tracks for a while and being sick with brown bile.. Must of been about 90 mins before I felt better.. so started back pushing loads out finished the shift and home.. Told the wife had bad indigestion earlier etc.. Woke up Friday morning had a shower starting getting dressed and had big chest pain hot and red flushes on my chest amd sweating felt rough as hell..so took more rennie this was about 5am went all2 points
Controvercial yes I suppose you can. im not knocking the dog. there are 3 fellas local to me with beddies used for ‘terrierwork’ and all have 1/16th ish black and tan In them and they just look like small bedlingtons2 points