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Showing content with the highest reputation on 20/01/25 in all areas

  1. The truth is coming out now; he was referred to the Prevent anti-terrorist program NUMEROUS times from the age of 13 for his “propensity towards violence and planning a school massacre “ !!!!!! Remember how Starmer and the Left attacked Farage for saying “we are not being told the truth “ ? They are saying because he finally pleaded guilty could get 1/3rd taken of his sentence and because he is under 21 he will not get a “whole life” sentence. Someone has a lot of questions to answer… Cheers.
    10 points
  2. Here is our 2 dogs , work along side our small pack .nearly 4 years old .doing very well. Very brainy , love the fells , and does us proud , many , many years worth of good breeding in them .I've had the privilege to own and run most there blood lines since the 90,s
    9 points
  3. Yep , decent . Someone who tells it like it is , from this day forth there is only two genders male and female lol.
    9 points
  4. It just shows the level of contempt the establishment hold the people of this country in when they try and pass that bstard off as a welsh school boy.
    7 points
  5. You’ve just missed the greatest political acceptance speech ever , Francie. Contrast that with Starmer’s “everything is going to get worse before it gets better” acceptance speech….. Cheers.
    7 points
  6. Lamb stew swede and carrots slow cooked with bit of potatoe. last nights dinner
    7 points
  7. 7 points
  8. Were fighting to eradicate grooming gangs and rapists , then these two put up and say line up lads come and get me no wonder foreigners think western women are easy game
    7 points
  9. Well, that’s bollocks…..I tried to take my dogs bone away and the c**t bit me !
    7 points
  10. Corned beef hash,beans,topped with hash browns,mature cheddar and some HP Fruity
    6 points
  11. If you could take a pencil and paper , and draw evil , that's what you'd get . Monstrous piece of filth.
    6 points
  12. The families must feel totally let down by this shower if shite govt. poor kids and a life of sadness for the parents. I’d not kill him but he should be chained up and fed bread and water until he dies.make the c….. suffer bad
    6 points
  13. He gets sentenced on Thursday and the judge told him to expect to never get out, let's hope they keep their word.
    6 points
  14. no mate ok bangers saying how they look i agree to extent but i like one some length in the back i want them have big stride this like a few i been around off lucas see the terrier in it the way it pulls on a lead the noise it makes when it does hope it is a fast enough few i been around couldn’t bend one on a desert none them straight stifles here lol loads a length bangers watch them chow the ground up when they get going lol
    6 points
  15. You defo sit down too pee lol
    6 points
  16. Pork chops, baby spuds and tender stem tonight
    5 points
  17. Three pheasants a bottle of red potato’s,carrots,leeks and onions so far might chop a bit of smoked bacon up to go in see how it goes
    5 points
  18. Should have been capped on the spot and kicked into the nearest drainage ditch for the rats to clear up No whole life sentence?, shows how they value the lives of working class people regardless of age
    5 points
  19. That filthy cnut is NOT WELSH...if your a donkey born in a racing stable,don't make it a Racehorse
    5 points
  20. 5 points
  21. should hit the spot.
    5 points
  22. I drink two large bottle's of that Kefir a week peach flavour and a good glass full before a walk out i never get hunger pangs. I went on the Keto diet for a while and dropped a shit load of weight to the point i was getting fed up of folk asking me if i was ill. I have since upped my carb intake slightly and put half a stone back on and my weigh has stabilised not loosing or gaining a weight i am now comfortable with.
    5 points
  23. I've gone solo on a haggis...
    5 points
  24. I’m surprised nobody has picked up on him declaring the drug cartels terrorist organisations…..that’s a big deal ! Just think about what America has done with other country’s where terrorists were operating buck shee…like Afghanistan or Iraq I bet there isn’t a dry pair of pants in the Mexican government building tonight ! ……he is going to make the spics start pulling their weight or he going to do it for them. This dude is one smart f***ing dude.
    4 points
  25. Today was D-day for the latest pigs. It ended up being a little dramatic. My expected help ended up tied up on a job so was a lone ranger. The trailer I borrowed is more for cattle than pigs so maneuvering into the pen on the side of the drive was more than a little tricky. Then as usual they don't want to get in the pissing thing. 15minutes after closing to the abbottoir, thankfully they had waited for me. Then got home and in a proper divvy moment managed to break my nose. Reversing trailer in pitch black, couldnt see a thing. I thought window was fully down when I was lo
    4 points
  26. 4 points
  27. I was offered one of those if I could get it home avoiding quarantine, as the owner didnt want a pup in quarantine for six months and I agreed entirely with him, sadly I couldn’t arrange it.. Cheers.
    4 points
  28. Looks nice apart from the nuts...I can't stand nuts....also what the f**k are those little seed things....your not a song bird
    4 points
  29. just coming up 7 months, bred from some real dogs
    4 points
  30. Not sure if any of you lads are interested but this is happening around the corner from me this year. Aparantley it's a big one that normally happens elsewhere?
    3 points
  31. ill bet starmer is a worried man ,i dont think there is much time left for him . i hope!
    3 points
  32. Watching it now on YouTube.....Creepy Joe is in his oils....all those young children there Trump says all the right things... Every armed forces personnel that was kicked out for refusing a COVID jab....is to be reinstated and full back pay....fair play to the man
    3 points
  33. My uncles lived to about that age and was digging up to 12, it was a little cranky c**t. Lol
    3 points
  34. Imagine trying to pass him off as Welsh.
    3 points
  35. You're probably right. It's just hard to wrap your head around it all . I can't figure out the woman or her parents , but I can't figure out the blokes either . I love sex as much as any other bloke , but I just couldn't ever imagine standing in line with 1056 other blokes waiting to take my turn . It's just grim all round .
    3 points
  36. Glad for the witnesses and the families of these poor young kids when a monster came into their lives that horrendous day. Really hope he gets killed in prison. I dare bet there will be reporting restrictions on what was known about him.
    3 points
  37. Eight month old black & tan saluki pups; Cheers.
    3 points
  38. I'm a pure blood mate,I don't worry about shit like that...I can jump over any cuts head that I meet fitness wise...only ever taken what I need in life,never been so vain as to need to look a certain way just to fit in..Or look at me,look what I got....I paddle my own canoe kid... always been a leader,never a sheep...hence why I'm selling up and moving to give my family some sort of life....a step away from the bollocks that so many of you cling too for dear life
    3 points
  39. Just what the doctor ordered...
    3 points
  40. Dip the dogs feet in petrol and your good to run Anywhere
    3 points
  41. Chia seeds i bet! f***ing great for getting stuck in your teeth!!
    3 points
  42. Real man's breakfast....
    3 points
  43. Well all my currs are loyal AF. When everyone in house is giving me the cold shoulder my dogs welcome like returning war hero. My terriers, lurchers and hounds always happy to be out with me no matter how debauched my behavior.
    3 points
  44. Them posh birds are always the filthiest.. Its a money thing, It don't matter if your a right ugly cnut,if you got coin,will always be some cnut, ready to sell their souls for 30 pieces of silver and get on it,to get on in life lack of basic morals ,and no shame
    3 points
  45. It’s all in black and white in the Bible, they don’t need common sense as long as they can read or listen.
    2 points
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