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    Daniel cain


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 19/01/25 in all areas

  1. Well that's that done! All went to plan. Even set off walking 2 minutes earlier than I expected! Lol. Drove 354 mile. A longish day but well worth it. The bath is running and I'm diving in it!!
    9 points
  2. I was ferreting today, Wifey out for a roast with my Lad and his Wife. So raided the freezer and made up a Prawn curry with a help of a jar of curry sauce for myself. Cheers Arry
    8 points
  3. Mchull great grandfather...preserved in the black slop down Peterborough...
    8 points
  4. Half a dozen today. Working hard this year for what we are getting. Cheers Arry
    7 points
  5. I've gone solo on a haggis...
    6 points
  6. Defrosted the fridge today and found a portion of nettle soup in the freezer compartment from last summer, tastes much nicer than it looks can’t wait for the spring the nettles and wild garlic to come round now
    6 points
  7. Ain't come out of both ends yet mate My own fault,rookie mistake by not eating before I got on it wasted a full day Saturday with a f***ing sick bucket next to mefull bottle of Jura and a full bottle of talisker after the wake,10 bottles of desperado...ended up back at a mates house...crawled in Saturday morning...Mrs doing her nutt
    6 points
  8. Went to a funeral Friday....drank more whiskey in the one day than I have in 10 years.... spent Saturday on my hands and knees, couldn't keep anything down....here goes...
    6 points
  9. And Sunday morning after a nice hour out with the dogs back for some local smoked bacon and fresh free range local eggs
    6 points
  10. The younger generation are pretty f****d I had a lad in his early 40s working in the home and we got locked out in the secure courtyard, I said not a problem we can just walk round and hop the gate, it was quite embarrassing watching someone 20+ years my junior floundering about for 10 mins trying to climb a 6 ft gate which I hopped in two mins they are either full of energy drinks and Macy’s or pumped right up on the juice covered in tats looking like peacocks but pretty useless either way, don’t we sound like our dads lol
    6 points
  11. just coming up 7 months, bred from some real dogs
    6 points
  12. Good little video he certainly has the knack of getting the best from his animals
    5 points
  13. I'd strongly recommend going up from the Wasdale side if ever us lot off here get the opportunity to do Scarfell. It's a much more straightforward and direct route. Only just over 5 miles total there and back. I went up from Seathwaite and put a loop in around some tops to add some different terrain and spice it up a bit. Make it a bit more challenging and worthwhile for travelling up for. Got no summit views whatsoever. It was a bit underwhelming if I'm honest. I've no idea what the temperature was up there, especially with the wind chill. It was absolutely freezing! I already had my 'big' gl
    5 points
  14. View from my office yesterday, I love posh shooting folk, very generous once you’ve got a few drinks into them, I’m going to go back to work tomorrow, I’ve had a month off now and it’s time to go back
    5 points
  15. Calorie conscious beef dinner today because the missus wants to shed a few pounds, no butter, no cream, no lard, it’s just not the same
    5 points
  16. You talk absolute bollocks! Are you seriously trying to justify children suffering from cancer by blaming humanity entirely, as if a 'just' god would sit back and watch? And spare me the rubbish about natural remedies like THC oil and ivermectin. Cancer isn't some conspiracy we can fix with snake oil and pseudoscience. If your god is all-powerful and all-loving, why would they let innocent children suffer and die while the rest of us scramble in desperation for solutions? Saying 'it's all our doing' is a cop-out to avoid addressing the real issue: if a god exists, they are either unwilling or
    4 points
  17. Frank Spencer Condor Man .......pmsl
    4 points
  18. I bellieve in a higher being,i was raised as a christiian,i like the ten comandments,what my god is im not sure but i believe theres an afterlife it brings me a inner peace
    4 points
  19. 30,000 steps is a tidy walk tats , you're certainly covering some ground mate. I'm no fitness expert, but I'd say that it's really good for you , right up to the point that you go a bit too far . I watched an old fella one day. He was on the woodland next to ours in Wales, and he was setting up part of a course for a trial bike event . He was using a chainsaw , and moving huge logs and rocks around . I made the old guy and his mate a brew , and I was talking to the younger fella about the old lad , and how hard he was grafting , the young lad said , I know , you'd never guess
    4 points
  20. Remember an old mate telling me when he worked on the bins for the council in the 70s which back then was easy to get set on due to lads giving it a go and some not lasting a day never mind a week. All the job's I have had have mostly been physically demanding even the job i do know sorting parcels and with a walk out in the mornings before I start work in the afternoon most days i clock up over 30 thousand steps though i curse it with the aches and pain's i get its probably a benefit to me keeping me reasonably fit for a 64 year old especially when I see the state of some lads I went to schoo
    4 points
  21. Think i am probably a spiritual being myself mate in being most happy when I am in the countryside or even on an beach looking across the sea i always feel an inner peace a lot more than I do when ever I have been in a church even staring at a full moon or watching a sunrise or sunset makes me feel better if there is a religion that worships these things that I can see with my own eyes that would be the religion for me.
    4 points
  22. Your on about saldino or whatever his name is....all he did was add a few certain vegetables and some fruit....he's still calls himself meat based.....and you picking out 1 person... All the youtube people you all been putting up all have the merits...both sides of the argument goly....but its pure folly to ignore the 10,s of thousands of normal folk that comment on these channels stating how they have changed there health for the better by using a low carb approach...these are the people worth reading about and how it's worked for them
    3 points
  23. Gotta love THL ! A brain surgeon spends years learning his trade so he can open up a skull, remove a cancerous tumour from the brain, then reconstruct the skull, when all he really needed to do was prescribe a packet of Bob Martin worm tablets ! PMSL ! Cheers.
    3 points
  24. I was up a hill a few weeks back,higher elevation than any english peak,but no rocks,I underestimated the cold,took my gloves off for a minute and I could feel the intense pain in my fingers,I think it was -30 with windchill,not the sort of environment to mess around.
    3 points
  25. I'm not into arguing the colour of shit with people on here ..I got my own beliefs,based on my own personal life experiences....and you got yours, Big Pharma and the whole medical establishment,have been working hand in hand for years....their only goal is making money mate... everything from aspirin,valium, paracetamol, cough medicine, vitamin supplements, protein powder etc,by controlling you...they f***ing OWN You Lad
    3 points
  26. People from Hull watch this for inspiration.
    3 points
  27. Like u said other day mate that sort of land only a non ped whippet can prevail
    3 points
  28. Just having my statins
    3 points
  29. What's that outfit your wearing Greyman....
    3 points
  30. What turned me off religion and the bible mainly was that my mum was Church of England and my dad Catholic. Their marriage wasn't recognized by the Catholic church here back then and neither was their son. If there is a god I doubt he'd turn a kid away because of this, so I thought all religions were BS from a young age. I still respect what other people believe if it makes their life better and am a spiritual person myself.
    3 points
  31. Your not wrong, no chemicals, no plastic just heathy wild food, I’ve just been out to get some rabbits for an old poacher who had a stroke a couple of years ago, he’ll be over the moon when I drop these off for him
    3 points
  32. Real alpha males don't work for companies son we own them cant wait until it shuts down just in time for the fishing season hopefully this time around you'll be brave enough to step outside your garden you got your pots and pans looked out again ? lol
    2 points
  33. Tollund man is the only thing I remember being taught in History class at school Circa 1990
    2 points
  34. You & Francie together couldn't change a lightbulb, sit back down. Lol
    2 points
  35. Francie just crucified you lad. You've been watching to much bret may your even starting to believe your own lies lol
    2 points
  36. Is that one of them bog men ? Preserved in peat bog ,tollund man ?
    2 points
  37. Honestly why it's so hard for science and Christianity to mix for some is beyond me. Honestly didn't take too much to connect some dots. Think it boils down to a lot of people need definites and stuff spelled out . And if it doesn't make sense ina very simple manner ...or doesn't sound ... whatever then it's discarded. If you get to deep diving a lot of stuff things in the geological records and the Bible get interesting. Same with various vocabulary and what not. Age of solon great folding geological caps ect. About the only person I've seen who takes both science and religion and
    2 points
  38. That'll teach um
    2 points
  39. bangers yiu will a took lasses home from town that are worse kissed them and all sorts licked there arseholes i know what you lot from there a like paki off casts lol
    2 points
  40. How the fucks this gone from coursing to cross dressing. Some strange fruits on here.
    2 points
  41. Iv lined a greyhound bitch with a GWP dog today
    2 points
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