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Showing content with the highest reputation on 18/01/25 in all areas

  1. just coming up 7 months, bred from some real dogs
    10 points
  2. Well that's that done! All went to plan. Even set off walking 2 minutes earlier than I expected! Lol. Drove 354 mile. A longish day but well worth it. The bath is running and I'm diving in it!!
    7 points
  3. She’s a wrong un.But the dinlos lining up to shag it must be desperate cases
    7 points
  4. I bet king is really f***ing glad he asked now
    7 points
  5. Only a few chapters in mate but finding it interesting. I bought it to my kindle.
    5 points
  6. I believe the King James Bible.I don't believe in modern religion.Personal relationship as Francie said.I couldn't do the hunting I do if I didn't believe the bible and know I've got a mansion waiting. Back in October I was lamping coons with a terrier when a gator kept trying to steal my terrier from my kayak. This past spring I was kayaking shark baits a half mile offshore at midnight when some sharks began to bump my kayak.After screaming like a little girl I regained composure and ran the bait on out. When your waist deep in mud,Surrounded by venomous snakes,I wo
    5 points
  7. I'm all set for a Scarfell yomp tomorrow lads. I knew i was heading into the Lakes tomorrow, but didn't decide exactly where I'd be walking until this morning after discussing it with a work mate that's also coming. Got a route planned from Seathwaite. Just over 10 miles there and back. I'll be up at 4:30 am. Driving for 5am and hopefully have the boots on and walking for 8:30. I'll have 7 hours driving tomorrow but hopefully it'll be work it! I'll whack a few pics on tomorrow..
    5 points
  8. On the bird feeders, mark 1,.22
    4 points
  9. 100 years ago, average persons sugar intake,was around 2 kg per yr...now it's 100 kg plus per person... They been filling us up with nasty shite and parasites in our food for yrs.. Food industries and the government are all in it together.... They don't want us using natural cures etc,bad for business in the Pharmaceutical world..
    4 points
  10. Fillet Steak ana Chips. Cheers Arry
    4 points
  11. "Me miss my long lost cousin from Hull, me have it easy, me walking on hard ground, he walk in slop and he have bigger tum tum than me!"
    4 points
  12. think blood pressure comes from water retention but i heard they can mess with cholesterol thicken blood as well that’s what i recon happened to me that much a alpha male testosterone that high me blood was like treacle lol
    4 points
  13. "You got private healthcare seen a specialist?" " nah I'm on hunting life,don't need it!" Dr google
    4 points
  14. Look at the world around us...obesity is sky high in most western countries.... Now look at what's causing this over the last 50 years... The average American is now eating 50% less meat than they did 50 year ago....but red meat still gets the blame.... They blame mcdonald's burger king ..KFC etc.... But stop and think about the % of meat your eating at mcdonald's...mist of what you eat there is carbs and sugar... The bun...the salad on the burger...the sause the portion of fries...the coke...then the mC flurry.. Yet the 4 oz of meat gets the blame....as the yanks
    4 points
  15. If that was my daughter I'd disown the c**t. Mucky tramp. It's like these that go up town now shagging all these c**ts that have come over seas full of AID an HIV.
    3 points
  16. I reckon them monster drinks and other drinks like them are detrimental and a ticking time bomb to the younger generation when they get older. I have been told they are pretty addictive.
    3 points
  17. Aye buddy still at it, mostly the big compounds. Not religious about it but try atleast few times a week, but by cleaning up my diet I got rid of stuff I thought I was gonna have till death, dodgy ankle, an a shoulder injury iv had for donkeys years, cut carbs out pretty much full stop an sugar an it’s make a serious difference, deffo carbs that cause inflammation imho
    3 points
  18. Best thing I ever done was starting to look at food like fuel, I eat to refuel now rather than eating for eatings sake or eating to keep me happy
    3 points
  19. Fair enough mate it's your belief and I respect that.
    3 points
  20. Yep sugar does just that....you get an insulin spike...then it drops...this is exactly why low carb diet work because you don't get these highs and lows
    3 points
  21. I watch a bit of that stuff about himalayas...what really gets to me is how busy it is...and how much mess...like a bad area in a busy city
    3 points
  22. Whilst we all been arguing I've had an hour 30 cardio taking the two mini slop monsters for a spin....by christ they had a stinger...3 maybe 4 minutes...I've never seen them run that long...
    3 points
  23. I think you would enjoy it.
    3 points
  24. Go for it mate, I'm only half hour away, if you struggle to work it I'll come for a mooch with you and show you the ropes. Here's some images shot with the R10, these with a 2k lens mind, I'll post some pics with the £500 lens after.
    3 points
  25. Who gives a fuk we are all gonna die,and is their anything that great to hang about for ? Worlds fuked ,grief only lasts that long ,move on ,we are all forgotten soon enough ,live every minute like it's your last ,enjoy the moment, the aneurism that drops you like a stone ,could be any second,
    3 points
  26. Doctors are all taught of the same playbook there only passing on what nonsense their heads have been filled with. Plenty people out there now with there own story's of low carb and high fat diet curing all kinds of illness's most health problems all stem from the gut. like putting petrol in a diesel car your gonna end up with problems sooner or later we keep filling our bodies with crap foods ( we are all guilty of it ) and over a number of years we end up with some form of health problem or another
    3 points
  27. is sort of agree with both of you i’ve been threw it nightmare lucky i never needed stents or ended up with heart disease but the statins to lower cholesterol that wasn’t even high sent mine threw the roof put 7 stone on nearly a diabetic and liver getting damaged all from one little tablet they give me stopped it not even a year i’ve dropped 5 stone this is why a dr telling me it’s diet and exercise the cheeky lying c**t
    3 points
  28. a little reminicing
    3 points
  29. That's true enough Walt, some folk are just amazing mate. An old boss/mate of mine , used to do snowdon as part of a marathon that he did every year. Snowdon was the last few miles. He'd spent most of his life in the army( staff sgt , rmp) , and marathon running was his passion. He always said that he was amazed that binmen were fitter than young soldiers .
    2 points
  30. Its not arguing ! It's debating! As a group we are mass debating, sharing opinions
    2 points
  31. That's some good going for an 8yr old . It took me 22hr 48mins , and I was hanging out my arse.
    2 points
  32. These are taken with the RF 100-400mm, I can see a loss of quality but £500 compared to £2000 is a lot of difference, and we are only hobbyists.
    2 points
  33. Would love too, Ive watched plenty of videos, vlogs and docs on the himalayas, and any of the big ranges really Just something about the mountains for me Come back from a trip up the mountains and its cleared your head for weeks.
    2 points
  34. Honestly mate ditch them shakes...there just powered crap...yeh I know they taste great and are simple to make...dead easy to make your own....3 hole eggs...half pint of milk150 gram Greek yogurt....blend it....50 gram of natural protein...or of course eat another 200 gram steak...50 gram of protein takes two minutes
    2 points
  35. you won’t eat none stop eating meat you get full stay full longer again they want us eating and badly it’s a way to milk the system
    2 points
  36. Look I get what your saying and I agree...the fact there obese is causing the health issues...I get that... But the reason there obese is to many calories from sugar and carbs..
    2 points
  37. that the same doctors promoting the jab ? how did that work out lol
    2 points
  38. Thing is mate alot of those posts are from people that have or are going threw it...they speaking from first hand experience
    2 points
  39. The arrogance of this prick is the same of those Pakistanis who groomed kids in Rotherham . I am afraid this is what happens when these people get any positions of power especially on local councils.
    2 points
  40. The remains of noahs ark are in Turkey on top of Mount ararat,an funnily enough that's were the bible says it is to
    2 points
  41. I would second that,the studies iv read says cholesterol is the good guy,its there to cover an full in the tiny holes (inflamation) in the walls to try an heal it. Go withe med diet,research it,I would stay away from all foods in packets,processed,processed sugar,especially that nasty seed oils,the body can't break it down,no fast food,limit your carbs to certain veg. If I were you I'd go private an get a cac test,to see how much is in your arteries,its an mri of your heart an arteries,its one of the best indicators of heart diocese. I suppose your doctor wants you on statins ki
    2 points
  42. Everyone here is a sexist hypocritical divvy head. If that was a bloke getting smashed by 1000women you would be calling him a legend. And I don't have the stamina to get past 800 in a sitting nowadays.
    2 points
  43. I binged it the other night….. good watch
    2 points
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