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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/12/24 in all areas

  1. Tell the wife shit like that all the time . We'll be driving. And she'll see one of these old plantation houses and stare fawning over it . " Omg baby could you imagine us living somewhere like that back in the day!" And I'm just here like:
    13 points
  2. Power was off for 24 hours, both ends of my lane blocked with trees so can’t get in or out…..which is a right touch as the in laws flew over Friday, booked a B&B in town and couldn’t get to see us today and they fly home tomorrow !!……thank you storm Darragh, you are a legend !
    8 points
  3. I find him a good crack.Its just the same little thl click that can't handle him
    7 points
  4. Made some little breakfast meat..pie ...things... Ok I'm not 100% sure what I made honestly but their biscuits rolled flat I threw some bacon eggs sausage and cheese in them seal them up and baked the little shits. Eveyone seems to like em so ... success?
    6 points
  5. Half of Wales under treat of total washout and DC's sat in a fishing bivy with a blunt,, Brilliant mate...
    6 points
  6. Lamb Stew. Cheers Arry
    6 points
  7. Thought it was a touch timid tbh...slept like a log last night through it....i
    6 points
  8. your just happy there’s 2 racecourse were you are luckily he turned up to the wrong one he’s good for the craic is greb and funny at times
    6 points
  9. I believe that everything on the subject of what lurcher a man should keep, has already been said.... We all keep the style of hunting dog that best suits our needs...
    6 points
  10. I think some ,not most ,so called lurchers "could" do a lot more than is asked of them , but with respect to the people who do use their dogs as all rounders, a heck of a lot of running dogs wouldn't make the grade as multi taskers . Any more than a first cross would be any good in the coursing field. I am a bit biased though Tomo. Having grown up in a crowded bit of countryside with small fields and not a hare for 50 miles l only needed something fast enough for the two Rs, steady enough for "various" and sneaky enough not to gather attention . Sheep dog cross does for me, obvio
    6 points
  11. Correct mate but why would our government want a fit healthy thriving population that would clock onto their ridiculous policy's they prefer them dumbed down and exhausted but with enough life to carry on and pay taxes losing a few to drugs and homelessness along the way ain't harming their programme
    6 points
  12. I have a finger that doesn’t work . It’s bent and haggard into a c shape . 14th mar 2009 . Went out in town I was living in for that weeks food shopping , saw man united Liverpool was on at 1230 Stopped for a pint with my meat and veg . Inside out by 8 , tried to get into a club , with my shopping , got hoyed out , went how , two polish geezers trying to get into my apartment block , got tuned up , went up stairs , grabbed my mate and a kettle to level the score , took a swing , punched the wall , woke up at 3 on my couch , bone and finger going in different directions , mate rang an am
    6 points
  13. It got bashed , very decent if I say so myself....
    5 points
  14. greb is not on here he hs a good instagram page where he slags off most of the clowns on here he follows my insta page i thought greb was funny now i know who he is hes sound
    5 points
  15. That’s nothing…..Jimi Hendrix lives in the next farm along from me !
    5 points
  16. Pichelstieiner veryvery tasty and super easy to digest..........contains NO HERBS OR SPICES...apart from a bit of Maldon sea salt and a twist of black pepper
    5 points
  17. The first cross bitch i had some years back was very easy to live with and a good natured dog but just did not have the early pace to snap rabbits up in the lamp local the young lad who i gifted her to kept her till she died of old age and was happy with her going rabbiting and lamping up in the dales. Her litter brother that made 25tts was a decent lamp dog even local. She only leveld out at 22tts. Though being honest she would suit me nowadays just mooching about in local woodland though not as a catch dog more of a companion.
    5 points
  18. My lot have gone swimming,after I fixed the boys mullets as they found my clippers in the bathroom.... I'm gonna cook this iberico pork rack, ignoring the strict pointers about the 'wagyu of pork' I'm gonna put it on the big red nice and hot and pull it medium internal temp....
    4 points
  19. Just cut off the broke posts and start with a half panel.easier to dig new holes than lift old posts and clean them off...
    4 points
  20. I know he needled a few on hear but he was always ok with me and after speaking a few times in pm s I found him a sound lad and knowing a few lads from his area who have a sense of humour that some folks can't take i found him to be funny and a lad I would probably get on with over a coffee.
    4 points
  21. 4 points
  22. Roast Pork dinner today
    3 points
  23. I'm on it. " After covering myself and the bitch in horse poo to disguise our scent ,l waited atop the dung heap . After 3 hours l was about to give up my vigil when a small woodmouse appeared . The bitch flew forward and after a running battle she had it pinned but due to her inexperience was having a rough time subduing the beast. As l moved forward with knife drawn to deliver the coup de grace l realised that Edith my chair- leg chewing idiot had finally come of age."
    3 points
  24. Yeah , lovely ain’t it. I was dreading the lights going off in a way but he’s pretty chilled when you get him doing adventures etc so had a game of hide and seek with the torches planned
    3 points
  25. Can’t be him he works down the chip shop
    3 points
  26. He had more reincarnations in here than the dhali llama
    3 points
  27. Waiting for these to come in season Border collie on one and full bull on the other if they ever season
    3 points
  28. Well it's heartwarming to see that a good collie/grey thread can still get lads arguing...lol... I never understood why anybody would want an f1 cross...4 Hancock f1 I saw were all wank...don't get me wrong I've seen a few other home bred half collies that were good....but in all honesty the best I've seen were line bred...or lurchers with collie in them...or 3/4 running dog...or even just a tiny splash of collie...like an 8th
    3 points
  29. Got a few scars from life lol. Main ones are I was partying in Puerto Banus with the lads at my mates apartment. My own fault but I got run over on the duel carriage way and got hit by a car at 60mph , the taxi won ! I was intoxicated so all my fault . That little episode cost £27 grand to put me back together with numerous pins and plates and lost nearly 6 months laid up and left me with numerous scars on my legs arm and a faded one on my head, was about 14 years ago. Got one on my right arm were basically I was caught with pants down taters deep and this birds son who was a wrong un. Caught
    3 points
  30. I'm smothered in them, everywhere I've got at at least a dozen from dogs, 3 of which are on my face. I've had a finger go through a vertical mill when I was 19 The finger was hanging on with a piece of skin, bone smashed and everything. The NHS saved it. Took a few months to heal properly, but I've never been able to straighten the end section and just above the next joint down is all deformed with big fat bone regeneration, but I've still got it. I've got a chainsaw wound, glass damage, iron bar, knives, axes, cars, Rugby, fighting, BMX, Skate boards, climbing, falling machetes, bri
    3 points
  31. Looks like Mchulls walked through that
    3 points
  32. You did ask........
    3 points
  33. Cheap beef source? I saw another local Facebook post of a bloke thanking the man who helped rescue his trapped wife from under another tree while all the cars behind her were busy trying to turn round and find another route rather than help the arseholes.
    3 points
  34. Been out since 4 ish and there still coming in , pizza shop next I think
    3 points
  35. Made her cash and pulled the rug.
    3 points
  36. He was always sound.
    3 points
  37. Pheasant curry for one while all the fussy buggers were out.
    3 points
  38. Cooked some amazing iberico shoulder @mushroom got an iberico rack to cook tomorrow quality meat ....
    3 points
  39. Homemade corned beef pie, garlic and thyme hasselback potatoes and some black kale
    3 points
  40. Had a crash on my Triumph which had the tank rack. Went over a delivery van but my balls tried to stop my forward momentum. It was quite messy but I got away with it and even managed a family. Jok.
    2 points
  41. Not an NHS dental practice i presume going on the price for your dental treatment. Makes you wonder why there is less NHS dentist in operation and was it purposely done so folk would be forced into paying more for another necessity that we all need at some time or another. I made sure I always keep my appointments with my NHS dentist practice so as to not cost me a fortune if I had to pay private.
    2 points
  42. Like father,like son..the similarities are there,the apple never falls far from the tree as they say, 12 year's the age difference but the young gun is looking very much like his sire.
    2 points
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