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Not been happy living where we are,for a few yrs now,been looking at options to free up some cash,and have a change of lifestyle/pace....Just accepted an offer on the first house,when it's sold,we will be purchasing our first narrow boat,moving onto the water fulltime...got a few jobs to do,next few months before selling the second property to a cash buyer... money will be cleared in 28 days...with that cash we plan to buy a wide beam for the Mrs and Myself to live aboard...my 3 teenagers will have the narrow boat to live on...we will both still be going out to work for at least the next 5 yr29 points
As we are all hunting hunting men your immediate reaction is to defend other hunting men, unfortunately the old school poacher is not the current type, "walk the land and leave no trace" was how many of us were taught... These lads don't give a f**k imo, if the video is real then they are acting like c**ts and bring it on top for everyone... It's nothing new though, lads like this fuel the fire that is already lit against us... I can't defend them, it's not my way of doing things and the blokes I'll walk out with wouldn't have them in their company either...14 points
Sorry mate I don't agree.. How you behave and conduct yourself is what makes you a man imo... Regardless of ban or not the video shows a bunch of c**ts acting like a bunch of c**ts, if we want to align ourselves with that type of behaviour as "we have no choice" is a poor show all round imo.. None of us are whiter than white and I'm sure have all been in many places/many acts we shouldn't be many times... I can defend to myself that I've not done much wrong and affected no one else in how I've conducted myself in the field, along with the lads I keep in my company ...12 points
What would you have done in his situation mc ? , if a gang of blokes in 4x4 were tearing up your freshly drilled fields ?. The top and bottom of it , is that they aren't just a bloke out with a dog , taking a rabbit for the pot . They're, thieves , vandals , and , violent thugs , that were happy to laugh at a terrified woman. Like I've already said . Most farmers are quite happy to have a bloke with a dog , taking a couple for the pot . He wouldn't call the police or make a big deal over it , and everyone could just go about their business, but idiots like in the video , just get e11 points
I lamp and course and 90% of the time I’m poaching and 99% of the time no one knows I’ve been. Cheers.10 points
8 points
7 points
That's the problem wilf . They didn't just move off . They stayed , and terrorised the farmer and his wife , for nothing more than their own amusement, and to show off on Facebook . Nobody I know would behave in such a cowardly and thuggish way. I'd be f***ing ashamed for anyone to see me behaving like that.7 points
How, by going out to see whats going on on HIS land and getting attacked, your bloody attitude over this sums up why people are pissed off with those who live in no fixed abode who think that laws and just plain morality don`t apply to them. Fecking pikeys and travellers are quick to threaten fights and torching property if they are not allowed to do as they want MAYBEit`s time they were treated the same back, shoot the dogs, ram the pickups with tractors and nick their vans!7 points
A good few years ago I was spending a bit of time down South Yorkshire way at Mally’s house, doing a bit of everything , lamping, coursing, ferreting, shooting, all on his permissions. One night we were to go lamping so we called the farmers and called the police to let them know when and where we’d be and get an incident number. Anyhow, we lamped the first farm then walked along a lane past a farm we didn’t have permission on , heading to the next farm. Suddenly a 4x4 came out of nowhere and knocked Mally into a ditch and a huge farmer jumped out and set about us with a basebal6 points
What Mel said if your going poach you have to be ideally not seen or leave any sign. Do zero damage and show respect around live stock. If you happen to get caught a quick sorry and on your way Storming around in bunch of 4x4s like idiots is just ridiculous and now proper lads will get ear full just walking a dog down a road in that area6 points
6 points
I always fancied one mostly because I liked the look of the pig headed brutes. So a pup came up from a lad who works his and I thought I’d take the chance and see how it goes. So far he’s a year old and the stupidest fecker I’ve ever had in the yard. In the pic below he has a rat from a cage trap and when I finally got it out I realised all he wanted to do was toss the trap around lol…6 points
I'm here I'm there I'm everywhere Watching waiting anticipating Lurking in the shadows I go unnoticed Dusk is near A golden goddess The form is stirring A rise a stretch a yawn We're moving It's time5 points
5 points
Anybody excusing this an defending it is a tit haha I mean who needs to go lamping hares in 6 jeeps, cnuts that ain’t got the bottle to do it themselves that’s who, what a bunch a wallopers 6 Fcuking motors full an why the catapults of they that hard why not drag him out pick up an slap him, cowardly cnuts at the very least5 points
I had intended to watch the fight. Had some daft hope that Iron Mike still had 1 last great fight left in him and would show some of the devastating power and controlled aggression that he used to have. But apparently not. I say apparently as I fell asleep on the sofa before the fight started. I don't know what time I nodded off but when waking up 6ish discovered that my glasses had fallen from my face and onto the floor, only realising when I stepped on them. Also before falling asleep had taken delivery of an Indian takeaway. Mutton tikka starter, chicken vindaloo, plain pilau ric5 points
5 points
I dont know mate blair got away with killing at least 10s of thousands of innocent women and children and fck all done about it4 points
No,no,no,I will Always be a Welshman residing in the English countryside mate,will still support anyone bar the English in any sporting events4 points
4 points
Giving the neighbours hell this morning...apologies for the sound quality it's only recorded on with my phone4 points
Just got back from down by your place,had a walk around the village ,show the kids the area,booking an appointment for one day this week,find out about availability of a mooring etc... When we find a boat,we will be in touch , will be needing your help and advice,and a second opinion on whatever we decide to buy,we will All have to learn to drive and maintain them,that includes my 3 kids,I honestly can't wait,to f**k off all this f***ing shite and tat,that we accumulate,but don't really need in life4 points
Is there some special species in the UK that takes 6motor loads of pricks to hunt it then?4 points
So many changes in hunting, the main imo being social media, lads smashing as much shit as possible to get likes. I agree the ban has changed everything and for lads who want to genuinely test their dogs to the max it's made it near on impossible, I admit I don't do half of what I used to, for me it's not worth the aggro... But there's a line and there always was, this isn't looking with rose tinted specs or some romantic "old poacher" view, the lads in that clip would be a bunch of c**ts in the pub, in the shop, in your businesses etc.. and thats a fact... Forget the farmer rammed them f4 points
Bit of a difference between someone giving you a whack because you've whacked them and a group of gutless c**ts attacking a bloke and his missus with catapults when they're in the wrong in the first place.4 points
They had no right to be there stiff. They were damaging/stealing his property. All of the farmers that I know ( and i know a few), would be happy enough for anyone to take a few bits and bobs with a dog, but none of them would tolerate the type of criminal damage and theft that comes along with those folks in the video. What would you do if a gang of scrotes was damaging your property stiff ?.4 points
4 points
Noting serious was just told I need to post more from out here....so jus though. Though some locks today. Got to break our two barge tow in half to go though these little ones vs where you can go right though with 20 burgers in two on the river At night there's a lot of animals that hang out around these locks. Deer hogs heck I've actually seen flamingos. Apparently these like a small population this side of Texas3 points
3 points
3 points
Good move mate, get out the rat race, I sometimes sit in traffic that years ago would of been a free flowing road and just think to myself I’m just a rat in traffic jam with loads of other rats , all rushing to earn a dollar. Seems quite pathetic don’t it. We get conditioned to run out the house to pay the govt, tax, utilities etc3 points
I have always used bags, I always seem to be on land were the farmers don't know they have given me permission3 points
I do a fair lump near me that's owned by a woman, I've spoken about her before, she is proper mental in all the right ways lol . Met her late one night lamping next doors farm, unknown to her we had permission (was with @white van man). We'd just walked a field and about to flick the lamp on in the next when a set of headlights was ploughing through the field we'd just done...old habits we crouched in a hedge and let them pass, up the hill and away.... Walk to the top of the farm and see someone at the top of the hill walk across a gateway with a gun over his shoulder, we flashed the lamp3 points
I was listening to radio X about nick names , said they called their mate lobster cause he has massive hands and keeps pinching stuff lol3 points
Narrow boats are 7ft wide and upto 70ft long I,m on a fat boat 11ft, pay your moorings monthly quarterly or yearly they are charged per foot3 points
No mistake mate it don’t matter what they chasing haha could be chasing a Fcuking yeti for all I care an it would still be a shit show3 points
We'll just have to agree to disagree on this one stiff. I know the difference between being a bit of a lad , and being a violent cowardly thug . Theirs a line , and no decent bloke , with any integrity and self respect would cross it.3 points
Nope, he's not fair game . It's his property , end of. That farmland is his back garden, and his livelihood. What would you do if they had been churning up your garden , and wrecking your tools , so that you couldn't make a living next year ?. Would you just politely ask them to leave , and just say , oh well , it's just one of those things. I just can't understand how any decent and right thinking bloke , can think that what they did was OK.3 points
Peruvians eat Guinea pigs perfectly normal some countries eat dogs like you say it’s adjusting your mind set, most people would eat anything if they were hungry enough.3 points
it’s a bad do that really with his missus in the car but he should a thought about that before ramming them i laugh at some farmers that come with threats me sons are coming i’ll tip your motor threatening you with lads they let on etc after a few times seeing you nothing touched your just walking a lot will come to chat not give permission but turn a blind eye only a fool would threaten lads when all day most the year they are working in secluded places at all hours and are easy to watch like the game keeper mentioned your going to end with snapped legs behaving like that suspect3 points
I've done with these one off pre-arranged shit shows raping the f**k out of the gullable paying public! Our Doris would have both of them c**ts curled up in a ball within 30 seconds! Nasty f****r she is mind..3 points
3 points
If a met police copper spoke in public like that about black crime in London , like how the rural crime teams do about travellers , they’d be in jail . farmer started it3 points
Soon be time for the girls to go. 21wks now. As much as I like having em about I'm ready for a freezer full of joints and sausages!!! For scale that 'trough' is 300x100 trunking3 points
@dogmandont what do you think mate aspinal should a waited a few year jones is going to make him look as slow as christmas2 points
2 points
2 points
And that ladies and gentlemen is the most amazing story to come out of the whole night ! Lovely stuff !2 points