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Showing content with the highest reputation on 26/02/24 in all areas

  1. Duncan Dinaosaurs, came over to see me, made 4 hour round trip, took me out for a Sunday lunch and a pint. Wouldn't have no money, stayed till 6.30pm he hell of great man deff, I said Thl members get together when a member down bad sad times. He seen big old Buck, little woody, and heard my crap guitar and Uke playing haha. Ps me with the larger. Ray
    30 points
  2. 15 points
  3. Home made KFC. Cheers Arry
    10 points
  4. Bubble, bangers and eggs... no waste from roast!
    9 points
  5. slightly Korean belly pork was done in a slow cooker for 4 hours..in vedge stock loads of chili (flaked dry)...pleanty of brown sugar and some dry ginger and soya sauce.........chop up and fold into stir fry......shove into gob the pork was sublime
    9 points
  6. looking good Ray I always chuckle when I remember that Show we went to and Tomo gave you a pair of boxing gloves for a showdown with someone I can't even remember. That was a funny day. lots of good memories from days and nights out with Trigger. I think we've all got a few more seasons to get through yet. I was up the Dales today. Quite a few with little marbles inside them. The season is just about over. Possibly One more day or night. fingers crossed. You're always welcome old friend. Take it easy. Vin
    8 points
  7. The bitch was bred to Thor,she only produced one pup,we have her here,she is absolutely granite,100% single handed who will die before she quits,very hard animal yet very biddable & not a bother with other dog's & bombproof around livestock. This is her as a very young bitch,she is 3 this upcoming summer.
    8 points
  8. 6 hours to cook for 6 minutes of eating, worth every second
    8 points
  9. Super rats were a thing in Berkshire when I was a kid, it was thought to be an immunity to warfarin, at 10yr old I was shooting them with 410 and airgun , large grey lumbering buggers....with that camera angle he's gotta be a fisherman lol...
    7 points
  10. Ocelot tongue consume’, wrens liver pâté’, perhaps European bison milk ice cream, and maybe a cheeky little Tibetan red to wash it down, nothing exotic mind you ! Cheers.
    6 points
  11. I’m on an Aussie hunting site, mainly to keep in touch with lads I’ve hunted with, but I also like to see the “dogs for sale” section. This ad caught my eye; I thought it might interest some of us on here. I particularly like the look of the stag x greyhound, Rocky. A$800 is probably a bit less than £500, reasonable for a started dog, I think. Cheers.
    5 points
  12. Carefully orchestrated. New labour gave workshy feckers more money to sit on their arse than they could ever get actually working. result, massive amounts of folks on benefits, solution ?, bring in loads of migrants we have a workforce shortage. Oh and we now need more immigrants to work in the care sector due to all the fat bstards that now think fatness is an illness and can't actually wipe their own arse because they were allowed to sit on benefits. One big massive cycle.
    5 points
  13. So sad Ray. Get Trigger to have a day off work and come up the Dales for a day out mate. Bring the old lad and I'll bring the old girl. Stay over and we can raise a glass. Always welcome.
    5 points
  14. Just back from 2 hour walk in rain, so nice to not see anyone lol Fire lit Irish coffee and a good book thats me sorted.
    5 points
  15. We all have a story mate, but the fact is our story’s are as big as us and no bigger. If a 19 year old white London lad who lives on the isle of dogs steps out his door he isn’t going to the docks to work no more, he isn’t walking amongst market stalls or going into shops owned by people just like him…..he stepping out into a 3rd world piss hole, the same one he had to go to school in. That is his lived experience, he gos home and switches on the telly and there is is again on London news….he won’t see faces like his, he won’t see ordinary white British couples in the ads break.
    4 points
  16. Cause and effect mate, I’ve been watching a few documentary’s lately about folks who live on benefits and deprived areas in the U.K. Ive also been watching similar about the US although the benefits system is obviously significantly different. The thing these communities share is that they once had an industry of some description, everyone worked in it or worked in business that supplied it or it’s workers and had the pride associated with being a working man who’s part of a community with a shared identity and value set. It was generational. The thing they all have in comm
    4 points
  17. It's only my opinion and I know I harp on about the miners strike but I believe that unity amongst ordinary working class folk was purposely destroyed in that strike with the agenda the government of the day had and I believe in my life time that unity will never return unless there is a severe breakdown in materialism and abject poverty amongst a large percentage of the population caused by a world war or some catastrophic natural disaster that affects the planet.
    4 points
  18. I survived lads... just!! Lol Cup of tea and syrup sponge incoming!
    4 points
  19. Anyone seen any of these so called super rats that are supposed to be getting more n more frequent this one was in Lancs..
    3 points
  20. You can travel miles down in the old Tin/coal mines around by me...lost count of the times I've had to enter them to get back terriers/lurchers or hounds...theres a fair few you, wouldn't send a freeads special down
    3 points
  21. Oh I know mate, but my point is, this “culture” has been systematically imported over 70 odd years. Being “at it” isn’t the sole preserve of any given ethnic group but we certainly didn’t have every school kid stinking of weed and all that just being part of normal daily life previously. This lowering of our collective cultural and social bar is deliberate, systematic and endemic mate. jmho of course
    3 points
  22. Sensible attitude fellah,...a dog that is inclined to bite folk,... can be a real liability,...it invariably ends in tears.... Personally,...with the dog you have,....I would gear your training regime heavily towards the jolly old Fetch and Carry.... A lurcher such as he, should be more than capable for picking -up and helping out on a game shoot ..
    3 points
  23. That reminds me of the advert on tv for bags of coal ……”Contains organic material”. Cheers.
    3 points
  24. I'm hearing lots of people complain about being ill, mainly a chesty infection, for 3-4 weeks.....all seem to be women
    3 points
  25. I agree and disagree all at once with that post mate. Yes, lads like you and me and many others on here do take and have taken that view about parental responsibility…..but I stress again, it’s the exception rather than the rule. Most of this stuff can only happen in a country where the conditions for it to exist has been created, we never used to be that country…..so what happened ? I can’t believe that generations of parents post 1945 just decided to not bother any more, in fact I think that’s a ludicrous assumption. No, it’s been a gradual undermining of everything
    3 points
  26. I agree and I remember a time when a know grafter in the community had a level of respect now most of the younger generation around me anyway look up and respect the ponce who drives round in a flash car and wears them big silly gold chains selling shit to any daft fecker that wants to buy it and has never done a day's honest graft in his life.
    3 points
  27. Fending for myself today so a quick bit of pasta with mushrooms garlic chilly and cheese sauce made with cheddar,Parmesan and mustard
    3 points
  28. Couple of some youngsters
    2 points
  29. Sounds like a month python sketch! Lol
    2 points
  30. Like poor old Denzil up against the mafia in equaliser 3
    2 points
  31. that looks banging i could eat that now its breakfast time
    2 points
  32. Can see him playing the character in his 90s taking on unscrupulous criminal care home owner's.lol
    2 points
  33. That's a very desirable trait in a cattle dog over here and often bred for.
    2 points
  34. I like dogs that bite, they go right up in my estimation.
    2 points
  35. I've seen set ups similar on the back of utes back then, shooting chairs raised off the tray. I've never seen this on a trike though, they are notorious unstable as they are. Looks like an accident waiting to happen Wolf but it wouldn't surprise me if it was a stupid Aussie idea, lol.
    2 points
  36. Thanks vin, very nice mate that. Me and old and Buck both knackered now, but carnt complain, as you had nearly 40 years messing about with Lurchers, but great off, your good lad. I put nice little new post on have look Ray
    2 points
  37. To be honest it’s what I see,fly into Heathrow your guided into the immigration line not by brits but by Indians,some of the border control officers at Heathrow are Indian,the prime minister and many MP’s again Indian,London our capital city is mostly foreigners all living in their little enclaves.Go to India no brits in the airport nor parliament,we got it wrong a long time ago,no turning back now,we already took the wrong turn.
    2 points
  38. We are past the threshold,past the tipping point,unity should have been a long time ago,it’s beyond that,that’s the reality,the harsh truth.
    2 points
  39. My great nephew supporting wor lasses and his older brother at Wembley supporting his team. Pains me to see one of them wearing red but his great, great uncle played for them, we never had a Newcastle player in the family. Not yet
    2 points
  40. People who go cold water swimming who wear those stupid long coats with a Costa coffee glued to their hands, look every body I’ve been in the cold water and it’s -5 f**k off….
    2 points
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